Chemical symbols are a derived way of showing elements in a formula or equation. Each symbol represents one atom and it usually consists of the first two letters of the Greek or Latin name of the element.
Alkynes (acetylenes) are acyclic branched or unbranched hydrocarbons having one or more triple carbon-carbon bond. In the systematic chemical nomenclature alkyne names end in the suffix -yne. The general formula is CnH(2n+2)-4x were x is the number of triple bonds. Alkynes that have only one triple bond form a homologous series: ethyne (acetylene), CH≡CH, propyne, CH3CH≡CH, etc. Like alkenes, alkynes undergo addition reaction.
Alpaca (alpaka) or Nickel Silver is the generic name for any of a range of non-precious bright silvery-grey metal alloys, composed of copper, nickel and zinc. Despite its name it contains no real silver. It is also commonly called German Silver.
There are many different formulations of alloys which fall within the general term of Nickel Silver. All contain copper, nickel and zinc, while some formulations may additionally include antimony, tin, lead or cadmium. A representative formulation is 65 % copper, 18 % nickel, 17 % zinc. Nickel Silver is widely used for the commercial production of industrial components, housewares, flatware and cutlery, and as the metal substrate for silver-plated goods.
Arginine is an electrically charged amino acids with basic side chains. It is one of the least frequent amino acids. As a group the charged amino acids are important for making proteins soluble. These residues are generally located on the surface of the protein. Arginine is well designed to bind the phosphate anion, and is often found in the active centers of proteins that bind phosphorylated substrates. As a cation, arginine, as well as lysine, plays a role in maintaining the overall charge balance of a protein. Although arginine is considered an essential amino acid (it must be obtained through the diet), this is true only during the juvenile period in humans.
Asparagine is neutral amino acids with polar side chains. The polar amino acids are an important class of amino acids since they provide many of the functional groups found in proteins. Asparagine is a common site for attachment of carbohydrates in glycoproteins. In general this is not very reactive residues. Asparagine is amide derivative of aspartic acid. Asparagine is not essential for humans, which means that it can be synthesized from central metabolic pathway intermediates and is not required in the diet.
Aspartic acid is an electrically charged amino acids with acidic side chains. As a group the charged amino acids are relatively abundant and are generally located on the surface of the protein. Aspartic acid and glutamic acid play important roles as general acids in enzyme active centers, as well as in maintaining the solubility and ionic character of proteins. Aspartic acid (sometimes referred to as asparate depending on pH) is non-essential in mammals, being produced from oxaloacetate by transamination.
Benzene is a colourless liquid hydrocarbon, C6H6, b.p. 80 °C. It is now made from petroleum by catalytic reforming (formerly obtained from coal tar). Benzene is the archetypal aromatic compound. It has an unsaturated molecule, yet will not readily undergo addition reactions. On the other hand, it does undergo substitution reactions in which hydrogen atoms are replaced by other atoms or groups.
In 1865, Friedrich August Kekulé purposed the benzene molecule structure as a hexagonal ring which consists of six carbon atoms with alternate carbon-carbon single and carbon-carbon double bond. But such a structure should be highly reactive, and so didn't account for the unreactive nature of benzene. We now know that the best representation for the structure of benzene is indeed, hexagonal, with each C-C bond distance being identical and intermediate between those for a single and double bond. The π-orbitals from each neighbouring carbon atom overlap to form a delocalised molecular orbital which extends around the ring, giving added stability and with it, decreased reactivity. That is the reason the structural formula of benzene represents as a hexagon with a circle in the center which represents the delocalized electrons.
Cycloalkanes are cyclic saturated hydrocarbons containing a ring of carbon atoms joined by single bonds. They have the general formula CnH2n, for example cyclohexane, C6H12. In general, they behave like the alkanes but are rather less reactive.
Generalic, Eni. "Strukturna formula." Croatian-English Chemistry Dictionary & Glossary. 29 June 2022. KTF-Split. 18 Mar. 2025. <>.
Periodic Table