Zeta potential (ζ) is the potential across the interface of all solids and liquids. Specifically, the potential across the diffuse layer of ions surrounding a charged colloidal particle, which is largely responsible for colloidal stability. Also called electrokinetic potential.
The electron configuration shows how many electrons there are in an atom or ion and their distribution along orbitals (see Table of electronic configuration of elements). Structure and all regularity in the periodic system depend upon electronic configuration of atoms of elements. Characteristics of elements mainly depend on electronic configuration of the outer shell. Refilling of the new electronic shell atoms of elements of similar electronic configuration emerge as well as in the previous shell, which adds up to periodicities of characteristics of elements.
Electronegativity is a parameter originally introduced by L. Pauling which describes, on a relative basis, the power of an atom to attract electrons. For example, in hydrogen chloride, the chlorine atom is more electronegative than the hydrogen and the molecule is polar, with a negative charge on the chlorine atom.
There are various ways of assigning values for the electronegativity of an element. Pauling electronegativities are based on bond dissociation energies using a scale in which fluorine, the most electronegative element, has the value 4 and francium, the lowest electronegative element, has the value 0.7.
Electrophoresis is a technique for the analysis and separation of colloids, based on the movement of charged colloidal particles in an electric field. The migration is toward electrodes of charge opposite to that of the particles. The rate of migration of the particles depends on the field, the charge on the particles, and on other factors, such as the size and shape of the particles.
Electrophoresis is important in the study of proteins. The acidity of the solution can be used to control the direction in which a protein moves upon electrophoresis.
Electroplating (also called electrodeposition) is the deposition of a metallic coating onto an object by putting a negative charge onto the object and immersing it into a solution which contains a salt of the metal to be deposited. The metallic ions of the salt carry a positive charge and are attracted to the part. When they reach it, the negatively charged part provides the electrons to reduce the positively charged ions to metallic form.
Typically, a brass or nickel object is coated with a layer of silver by making use of electrolysis of a silver solution, using the object to be coated as the cathode. The anode consist of pure silver, and the cathode is the object to be plated. The electrolyte is a mixure of silver nitrate with potassium cyanide. The reactions are:
The cyanide ensures a low concentration of silver ions, a condition for providing the best plating results.
Energy (E, U) is the characteristic of a system that enables it to do work. Like work itself, it is measured in joules (J).
The internal energy of a body is the sum of the potential energy and the kinetic energy of its component atoms and molecules.
Potential energy is the energy stored in a body or system as a consequence of its position, shape, or state (this includes gravitation energy, electrical energy, nuclear energy, and chemical energy).
Kinetic energy is the energy of motion and is usually defined as the work that will be done by a body possessing the energy when it is brought to rest. For a body of mass m having a speed v, the kinetic energy is mv2/2. Kinetic energy is most clearly exhibited in gases, in which molecules have much greater freedom of motion than in liquids and solids.
In an isolated system energy can be transferred from one form to another but the total energy of the system remains constant.
Epoxy resins are thermosetting resins produced by copolymerising epoxide compounds with phenols (e.g. epichlorohydrin and bisphenol A). They contain ether linkages (-O-) and form a tight, cross-linked polymer network. Toughness, good adhesion, corrosive-chemical resistance, and good dielectric properties characterise epoxy resins. Most epoxy resins are two-part types which harden when blended.
Fajans’ rules, formulated by American chemist of Polish origin. Kazimierz Fajans (1887-1975), indicating the extent to which an ionic bond has covalent character caused by polarisation of the ions. Covalent character is more likely if:
1. the charge of the ions is high;
2. the positive ion is small or the negative ion is large;
3. the positive ion has an outer electron configuration that is not a noble- gas configuration.
Faraday’s laws of electrolysis are two laws found by British chemist and physicist Michael Faraday (1791-1867) in his experiments on electrolysis:
1. The quantity of matter extracted on the electrode is proportional to the quantity of charge (Q = I·t) which has flown in electrolysis time.
where z = number of electrons changed in reaction and F = Faraday’s constant which equals 96 487 C mol-1.
2. The masses of the elements liberated by the same quantity of electricity are directly proportional to their chemical equivalents.
96 487 C will discharge 1 mol Ag and 1/2 mol Cu. The relevant half reactions are:
Fatty acids are aliphatic monocarboxylic acids characterized by a terminal carboxyl group (R-COOH). The higher members of this series of acids occur in nature in the combined form of esters of glycerol (fats), and hence all acids of this family are called fatty acids. Natural fatty acids commonly have a chain of 4 to 28 carbons (usually unbranched and even-numbered), which may be saturated or unsaturated. The most important of saturated fatty acids are butyric (C4), lauric (C12), palmitic (C16), and stearic (C18). The most common unsaturated acids are oleic, linoleic, and linolenic (all C18).
The physical properties of fatty acids are determined by the chain length, degree of unsaturation, and chain branching. Short-chain acids are pungent liquids, soluble in water. As the chain length increases, melting points are raised and water-solubility decreases. Unsaturation and chain branching tend to lower melting points.
Generalic, Eni. "Wire gauge chart." Croatian-English Chemistry Dictionary & Glossary. 29 June 2022. KTF-Split. {Date of access}. <https://glossary.periodni.com>.
Periodic Table