Wire mesh (wire gauze) is used for uniform distribution of flame heat in base of a heated body. It is made of a iron wire strands with or without ceramic interior cores.
Activated charcoal or activated carbon is charcoal that has been activated for adsorption by steaming or by heating in a vacuum. Charcoal is obtained by burning wood, nutshells, coconut husks or other materials. Charcoal becomes activated by heating it with steam to approximately 1000 °C in the absence of oxygen.
The chemical nature of amorphous carbon, combined with a high surface area makes it an ideal medium for the adsorption of organic chemicals. A single gram of such material can have 400 m2 to 1 200 m2 square meters of surface area. Activated charcoal is widely used to decolorize liquids, recover solvents, and remove toxins from water and air.
Charge number represents ion charge of an atom or a group. It is denoted as a right superscript (Fe2+ or SO42-).
Effective nuclear charge. (Zeff) is the nuclear charge experienced by an electron when other electrons are shielding the nucleus.
The volume of a fixed mass of gas at a constant pressure expand by the constant fraction of its volume at 0 °C. For each Celsius or kelvin degree its temperature is raised. For any ideal gas fraction it is approximately 1/273. This can be expressed by the equation
were V° is the volume at 0°C and V is its volume at t°C.
This is equivalent to the statement that the volume of a fixed mass of gas at a constant pressure is proportional to its thermodynamic temperature
This law also know as Gay-Lussac’s law.
An equation similar to the one given above applies to pressures for ideal gases:
Accelerator is a device (machine) used for acceleration of charged particles (protons, deuterons, α-particles). Particles are accelerated under the influence of an electric field and with the help of a magnetic field are kept inside a certain space. When the particles reach enough acceleration (that is sufficient energy), they are directed on a target we wish to bomb. Best known types cyclotron, synchrotron, betatron.
Accelerator is a substance that increases the rate of chemical reaction, i.e. a catalyst.
Accumulator (secondary cell, storage battery) is a type of voltaic cell or battery that can be recharged by passing current through it from an external D.C. supply. The charging current reverses the chemical reactions in the cell. The common types are the lead-acid accumulator and the nickel-cadmium cell.
Activity coefficient (γ or f) is a fractional number which, when multiplied by the molar concentration of a substance in solution, yields the chemical activity. This term gives an idea of how much interaction exists between molecules at higher concentration.
In solutions of very low ionic strength, when m is less than 0.01, the Debye-Hückel limiting law can be used to calculate approximate activity coefficients
where γi = activity coefficient of the species i, zi = charge on the species i and μ = ionic strength of the solution.
Aldehydes are a broad class of organic compounds having the generic formula RCHO, and characterized by an unsaturated carbonyl group (C=O). They are formed from alcohols by either dehydrogenation or oxidation. Their chemical derivation is indicated by the name al(cohol) + dehyd(rogenation). An example of these distinct aromatic compounds is formaldehyde.
Generalic, Eni. "Wire gauge chart." Croatian-English Chemistry Dictionary & Glossary. 29 June 2022. KTF-Split. {Date of access}. <https://glossary.periodni.com>.
Periodic Table