Carbon dating is used to the time passed since a living organism died. It is based on measuring the quantity of isotope of carbon-14 that is contained in all living organisms.
If the angular velocity of a body changes from an initial value ωi to a final value ωf, average angular acceleration, α, can be defined for the time interval Δt = tf - ti:
The instantaneous angular acceleration, α, is the limit of the average angular acceleration, as Δt is made to approach zero:
SI unit for angular acceleration is s-2.
Battery a device that converts chemical energy to electrical energy. The process underlying the operation of a battery involves a chemical reaction in which electrons are transferred from one chemical species to another. This process is carried out in two half-reactions, one that involves the loss of electrons and one that involves their gain. The battery is an electrochemical cell divided in two half-cells, and reaction proceeds when these are connected together by an electrically conducting pathway. The passage of electrons from one half-cell to the other corresponds to an electric current. Each half-cell contains an electrode in contact with the reacting species. The electrode which passes electrons into the circuit when battery discharges is called anode and is negative terminal. The electrode which receives electrons is called cathode, and is the battery’s positive terminal. The electrical circuit is completed by an electrolyte, an electrically conducting substance placed between the two electrodes which carriers a flow of charge between them. In wet cells, the electrolyte is a liquid containing dissolved ions, whose motion generates an electrical current; in dry cells the electrolyte is basely solid, for example, a solid with mobile ions or porous solid saturated with an ionic solution.
Coulometry is a quantitative electrochemical analytical method which is based on measuring the quantity of electricity that has passed and on Faraday’s laws.
Non-Newtonian fluid is a fluid whose viscosity changes when the gradient in flow speed changes. Colloidal suspensions and polymer solutions like ketchup and starch/water paste are non-Newtonian fluids.
Osmosis is the flow of a solvent in a system in which two solutions of different concentration are separated by a semipermeable membrane which cannot pass solute molecules. The solvent will flow from the side of lower concentration to that of higher concentration, thus tending to equalise the concentrations. The pressure that must be applied to the more concentrated side to stop the flow is called the osmotic pressure.
A point-like object that undergoes circular motion changes its angular position from initial Θi to final Θf, relative to a fixed axis, specified in a coordinate system with an origin that coincides the centre of the circular path of object. The change in its angular position is called angular displacement ΔΘ = Θf - Θi. Also, a rigid body that rotates about a specified rotation axis, changing its angular position from initial Θi to final Θf, undergoes an angular displacement ΔΘ.
The average angular velocity, ωav, is the ratio of the angular displacement and the time interval Δt=tf-ti, in which that displacement occurs.
Θf and Θi are the initial and final angular position, respectively.
The instantaneous angular velocity ω is the limit of the average angular velocity, as Δt is made to approach zero.
ωav and ω are positive for the counterclockwise rotation (in direction of increasing Θ) and negative for the clockwise rotation (in direction of decreasing Θ).
SI unit for angular velocity is s-1.The measure for the angle Θ is radian. The relationship between radians and degrees is:
For example, the angular velocity of the minute hand of a clock is:
Peltier effect is the absorption or generation of heat (depending on the current direction) which occurs when an electric current is passed through a junction between two materials.
Permeability (Latin permeare, to pass through) is a passage or diffusion of a gas, vapour, liquid, or solid through a material without physically or chemically affecting it.
Generalic, Eni. "To pass final judgement中文." Croatian-English Chemistry Dictionary & Glossary. 29 June 2022. KTF-Split. {Date of access}. <>.
Periodic Table