Gallium was discovered by Lecoq de Boisbaudran (France) in 1875. The origin of the name comes from the Latin word Gallia meaning France. It is soft, blue-white metal. Stable in air and water. Reacts violently with chlorine and bromine. Gallium is found throughout the crust in minerals like bauxite, germanite and coal. Used in semiconductor production. It us used in making LED’s (light-emitting diodes) and GaAs laser diodes.
Germanium was discovered by Clemens Winkler (Germany) in 1886. The origin of the name comes from the Latin word Germania meaning Germany. It is greyish-white semi-metal. Unaffected by alkalis and most (except nitric) acids. Stable in air and water. Germanium is obtained from refining copper, zinc and lead. Widely used in semiconductors. It is a good semiconductor when combined with tiny amounts of phosphorus, arsenic, gallium and antimony.
Glass electrode is a hydrogen-ion responsive electrode usually consisting of a bulb, or other suitable form, of special glass attached to a stem of high resistance glass complete with internal reference electrode and internal filling solution system. Glass electrode is also available for the measurement of sodium ions.
The glass electrode, which consists of a thin wall glass bulb, has an extremely high electrical resistance. The membrane of a typical glass electrode (with a thickness of 0.03 mm to 0.1 mm) has an electrical resistance of 30 MΩ to 600 MΩ. The surface of a glass membrane must be hydrated before it will function as a pH electrode. When a glass surface is immersed in an aqueous solution then a thin solvated layer (gel layer) is formed on the glass surface in which the glass structure is softer. This applies to both the outside and inside of the glass membrane.
The simplest explanation for the working of the thin glass electrode is that the glass acts as a weak acid (Glass-H).
The hydrogen ion activity of the internal solution is held constant. When a solution of different pH from the inside comes in contact with the outside of the glass membrane, the glass is either deprotonated or protonated relative to the inside of the glass. The difference in pH between solutions inside and outside the thin glass membrane creates electromotive force in proportion to this difference in pH.
Grätzel solar cell is photoelectrochemical cell, developed by Michael Grätzel and collaborators, simulates some characteristics of the natural solar cell, which enables photosynthesis take place. In natural solar cell the chlorophyll molecules absorb light (most strongly in the red and blue parts of the spectrum, leaving the green light to be reflected). The absorbed energy is sufficient to knock an electron from the excited chlorophyll. In the further transport of electron, other molecules are involved, which take the electron away from chlorophyll. In Grätzel cell, the tasks of charge-carrier generation and transport are also assigned to different species.
His device consists of an array of nanometre-sized crystallites of the semiconductor titanium dioxide, welded together and coated with light-sensitive molecules that can transfer electrons to the semiconductor particles when they absorb photons. So, light-sensitive molecules play a role equivalent to chlorophyll in photosynthesis. In Grätzel cell, the light-sensitive molecule is a ruthenium ion bound to organic bipyridine molecules, which absorb light strongly in the visible range; titanium dioxide nanocrystals carry the received photoexcited electrons away from electron donors. On the other hand, a donor molecule must get back an electron, so that it can absorb another photon. So, this assembly is immersed in a liquid electrolyte containing molecular species (dissolved iodine molecules) that can pick up an electron from an electrode immersed in the solution and ferry it to the donor molecule. These cells can convert sunlight with efficiency of 10 % in direct sunlight and they are even more efficient in diffuse daylight.
Indium was discovered by Ferdinand Reich and Hieronymus Theodor Richter (Germany) in 1863. Named after the indicum (colour indigo), the colour it shows in a spectroscope. It is rare, very soft, silver-white metal. Stable in air and water. Dissolves in acids. Metal can ignite and burn. Indium is found in certain zinc ores. Used to coat high speed bearings and as an alloy that lowers the melting point of other metals. Relatively small amounts are used in dental items and in electronic semiconductors.
Ion selective electrode (ISE) is an electrode or electrode assembly with a potential that is dependent on the concentration of an ionic species in the test solution and is used for electroanalysis. Ion-selective electrodes are often membrane type electrodes.
Plasma is a highly ionised gas in which the charge of the electrons is balanced by the charge of the positive ions, so that the system as a whole is electrically neutral. Plasmas are created by exposing gases at low pressure to an electric or electromagnetic field. In semiconductor processing, plasmas are used for etching and thin film deposition (the excited state of the gas makes it very reactive). In everyday life plasmas are used to give light in fluorescent light bulbs, neon lamps, and blue insect traps.
Salt bridge is a permeable material soaked in a salt solution that allows ions to be transferred from one container to another. The salt solution remains unchanged during this transfer.
Selenium was discovered by Jöns Jakob Berzelius (Sweden) in 1817. The origin of the name comes from the Greek word selene meaning moon. It is soft metalloid similar to sulfur. Ranges from grey metallic to red glassy appearance. Unaffected by water. Soluble in alkalis and nitric acid. Burns in air. Toxic by inhalation or ingestion. Selenium is obtained from lead, copper and nickel refining. Conducts electricity when struck by light. Light causes it to conduct electricity more easily. It is used in photoelectric cells, TV cameras, xerography machines and as a semiconductor in solar batteries and rectifiers. Also colours glass red.
Generalic, Eni. "Semi-permeable membrane." Croatian-English Chemistry Dictionary & Glossary. 29 June 2022. KTF-Split. 30 Mar. 2025. <>.
Periodic Table