Semi-permeable membrane is a membrane through which only some sorts of particles can pass, while others cannot.
Reverse osmosis is the method used for obtaining freshwater from saltwater. The process uses a semi-permeable membrane through which pure water and not the salts will pass. The saltwater must be pressurised to approximately 25 bar, which makes it operationally expensive to produce large quantities of fresh water by this method.
Semiconductor is a material in which the highest occupied energy band (valence band) is completely filled with electrons at T = 0 K, and the energy gap to the next highest band (conduction band) ranges from 0 to 4 or 5 eV. With increasing temperature electrons are excited into the conduction band, leading to an increase in the electrical conductivity.
Dialysis is a method by which large molecules (such as starch or protein) and small molecules (such as glucose or amino acids) may be separated in a solution by selective diffusion through a semipermeable membrane. Through this kind of membrane dissolved particles pass and colloid dimension particles fall behind. For example, if a mixed solution of starch and glucose is placed in a closed container made of a semipermeable substance (such as cellophane), which is then immersed in a beaker of water, the smaller glucose molecules will pass trough the membrane into the water, while the starch molecules remain behind.
Diffusion is the spontaneous mixing of one substance with another when in contact or separated by a permeable membrane. Diffusion is a result of the random motions of their component atoms, molecules, ions, or other particles. Diffusion occurs most readily in gases, less so in liquids, and least in solids. The rate of diffusion is proportional to the concentration of the substance and increases with temperature. The theoretical principles are stated in Fick’s laws.
Osmosis is the flow of a solvent in a system in which two solutions of different concentration are separated by a semipermeable membrane which cannot pass solute molecules. The solvent will flow from the side of lower concentration to that of higher concentration, thus tending to equalise the concentrations. The pressure that must be applied to the more concentrated side to stop the flow is called the osmotic pressure.
Electrodialysis is a procedure of dialysis accelerated with an electric field. Dialyser is divided into three sections. Solution flows through the middle section, between two semipermeable membranes alternately to positive ions and negative ions. An electrodes are placed in the neighbouring sections. Under the influence of electric field, positive ions will travel towards the cathode (the negative electrode), and negative ions towards the anode (the positive electrode), whereby travelling of ions through the membrane is accelerated. In this way, the feed water is separated into two streams: one of pure water and the other of more concentrated solution.
Osmotic pressure (Π) is the excess pressure necessary to maintain osmotic equilibrium between a solution and a pure solvent separated by a membrane permeable only to the solvent. In an ideal dilute solution
where cB is the amount-of-substance concentration of the solute, R is the molar gas constant, and T the temperature.
The carbon dioxide ion selective electrode uses a gas-permeable membrane to separate the sample solution from the electrode internal solution. Dissolved carbon dioxide in the sample solution diffuses through the membrane until an equilibrium is reached between the partial pressure of CO2 in the sample solution and the CO2 in the internal filling solution. In any given sample the partial pressure of carbon dioxide will be proportional to the concentration of carbon dioxide. The diffusion across the membrane affects the level of hydrogen ions in the internal filling solution:
The hydrogen level of the internal filling solution is measured by the pH electrode located behind the membrane. The internal filling solution contains a high concentration of sodium bicarbonate (e.g. 0.1 mol/L NaHCO3) so that the bicarbonate level can be considered constant.
Generalic, Eni. "Semi-permeable membrane." Croatian-English Chemistry Dictionary & Glossary. 29 June 2022. KTF-Split. 27 Mar. 2025. <>.
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