Carbon dating is used to the time passed since a living organism died. It is based on measuring the quantity of isotope of carbon-14 that is contained in all living organisms.
A point-like object that undergoes circular motion changes its angular position from initial Θi to final Θf, relative to a fixed axis, specified in a coordinate system with an origin that coincides the centre of the circular path of object. The change in its angular position is called angular displacement ΔΘ = Θf - Θi. Also, a rigid body that rotates about a specified rotation axis, changing its angular position from initial Θi to final Θf, undergoes an angular displacement ΔΘ.
The average angular velocity, ωav, is the ratio of the angular displacement and the time interval Δt=tf-ti, in which that displacement occurs.
Θf and Θi are the initial and final angular position, respectively.
The instantaneous angular velocity ω is the limit of the average angular velocity, as Δt is made to approach zero.
ωav and ω are positive for the counterclockwise rotation (in direction of increasing Θ) and negative for the clockwise rotation (in direction of decreasing Θ).
SI unit for angular velocity is s-1.The measure for the angle Θ is radian. The relationship between radians and degrees is:
For example, the angular velocity of the minute hand of a clock is:
Ceiling level or ceiling value is the maximum permissible concentration of a hazardous material in the working environment. This level should not be exceeded at any time.
Chain is a linear combination of the same type of atom in a molecule. In straight chain molecules, the atoms are arranged in a line, with each atom in the chain linked to one preceding atom and one succeeding atom of the same type. A closed chain molecule is a chain where the atoms are linked in a ring structure.
If two overlapping light waves are to interfere detectably, the phase difference between them must remain constant with time, i.e. the waves must be coherent.
Antimony has been known since ancient times. The origin of the name comes from the Latin word stibium meaning mineral stibnite. It is hard, brittle, silvery-white semimetal. Stable in dry air. Toxic by ingestion or inhalation. Antimony is found in stibnite (Sb2S3) and in valentinite (Sb2O3). It is alloyed with other metals to increase their hardness. Also in the manufacture of a few special types of semiconductor devices. Also in plastics and chemicals. A few kinds of over-the-counter cold and flu remedies use antimony compounds.
In 1889, Svante Arrhenius explained the variation of rate constants with temperature for several elementary reactions using the relationship
where the rate constant k is the total frequency of collisions between reaction molecules A times the fraction of collisions exp(-Ea/RT) that have an energy that exceeds a threshold activation energy Ea at a temperature of T (in kelvin). R is the universal gas constant.
Barium was discovered by Sir Humphry Davy (England) in 1808. The origin of the name comes from the Greek word barys meaning heavy. It is soft, slightly malleable, silvery-white metal. Attacked by air and water. Soluble compounds toxic by ingestion. Barium is found in barytine (BaSO4) and witherite (BaCO3), never found in pure form due to its reactivity. Must be stored under kerosene to remain pure. Barite, or barium sulfate (BaSO4), when ground is used as a filter for rubber, plastics and resins. It is insoluble in water and so is used in X-rays of the digestive system. Barium nitrate, Ba(NO3)2, burns brilliant green and is used in fireworks.
Generalic, Eni. "Having such a good time with me." Croatian-English Chemistry Dictionary & Glossary. 29 June 2022. KTF-Split. {Date of access}. <>.
Periodic Table