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Acid-base indicator is a weak acid or weak base, such as litmus, methyl orange or phenolphthalein, which changes colour when it gains or loses an H+ ion.
Electrochemical series is a series of chemical elements arranged in order of their standard electrode potentials. The hydrogen electrode
is taken as having zero electrode potential. An electrode potential is, by definition, a reduction potential.
Elements that have a greater tendency than hydrogen to lose electrons to their solution are taken as electropositive; those that gain electrons from their solution are below hydrogen in the series and are called electronegative.
The series shows the order in which metals replace one another from their salts; electropositive metals will replace hydrogen from acids.
Galvanic cell (voltaic cell) is a simple device with which chemical energy is converted into electrical energy. Galvanic cells consist of two separate compartments called half cells containing electrolyte solutions and electrodes that can be connected in a circuit. Two dissimilar metals (e.g., copper and zinc) are immersed in an electrolyte. If the metals are connected by an external circuit, one metal is reduced (i.e., gains electrons) while the other metal is oxidized (i.e., loses electrons).
In the example above, copper is reduced and zinc is oxidized. The difference in the oxidation potentials of the two metals provides the electric power of the cell.
A voltaic cell can be diagrammed using some simple symbols. In the diagram the electrodes are on the outer side of the diagram and a vertical line (|) is used to separate the electrode from the electrolyte solution found in the compartment. A double vertical line (||) is used to separate the cell compartments and is symbolic of the salt bridge. Usually in a diagram the species oxidized is written to the left of the double slash. Here is an example of the Daniell cell:
The names refer to the 18th-century Italian scientists Alessandro Volta (1745-1827) and Luigi Galvani (1737-1798).
Glauber’s salt is sodium sulphate decahydrate (Na2SO4·10H2O). Loses water of hydration at 100 °C. Energy storage capacity is more than seven times that of water.
The term oxidation originally meant a reaction in which oxygen combines chemically with another substance. More generally, oxidation is a part of a chemical reaction in which a reactant loses electrons (increases oxidation number). Simultaneous reduction of a different reactant must occur (redox reaction).
Graphite is an allotrope of carbon. The atoms are arranged in layers as a series of flat, hexagonal rings. Graphite is a good conductor of heat and electricity. The layers cleave easily, making graphite useful as a solid lubricant. A process to make pure synthetic graphite was invented by the American chemist Edward Goodrich Acheson (1856–1931). The process consists of heating a mixture of clay (aluminum silicate) and powdered coke (carbon) in an iron bowl. The reaction involves the production of silicon carbide, which loses silicon at 4150 °C to leave graphite.
Metals are materials in which the highest occupied energy band (conduction band) is only partially filled with electrons.
Their physical properties generally include:
- They are good conductors of heat and electricity. The electrical conductivity of metals generally decreases with temperature.
- They are malleable and ductile in their solid state.
- They show metallic lustre.
- They are opaque.
- They have high density.
- They are solids (except mercury)
- They have a crystal structure in which each atom is surrounded by eight to twelve near neighbours
Their chemical properties generally are:
- They have one to four valence electrons.
- They have low ionisation potentials; they readily lose electrons.
- They are good reducing agents.
- They have hydroxides which are bases or amphoteric.
- They are electropositive.
Metallic characteristics of the elements decrease and non-metallic characteristics increase with the increase of valence electrons. Also metallic characteristics increase with the number of electron shells. Therefore, there is no sharp dividing line between the metals and non-metals.
Of the 114 elements now known, only 17 show primarily non-metallic characteristics, 7 others are metalloids, and 89 may be classed as metals.
Redox reaction is an oxidation-reduction reaction is a reaction in which one or more electrons are transferred. When an atom, ion, or molecule loses one or more electrons, it is oxidised. When an atom, ion, or molecule gains one or more electrons, it is reduced.
Superconductivity is the phenomenon in which certain metals, alloys, and compounds below a certain temperature, the transition point (Tc), lose electrical resistance and magnetic permeability, i.e. have infinite electrical conductivity (Meissner effect and Josephson effect).
Thermodynamic equilibrium is a system equilibrium in which energy that it gains from its surroundings is exactly balanced by the energy that it loses, no matter how much time is allowed to pass.
Generalic, Eni. "Ali loses." Croatian-English Chemistry Dictionary & Glossary. 29 June 2022. KTF-Split. {Date of access}. <>.
Periodic Table