Conductivity is a measure of the ability of a material to conduct electric current.
Decomposition potential of some system is the smallest voltage which should be applied so that electrolysis occurs.
Donnan potential is the electrical potential difference between two solutions separated by an ion-exchange membrane in the absence of any current flowing through the membrane
Analytical balances are instruments used for precise determining mass of matter. Analytical balances are sensitive and expensive instruments, and upon their accuracy and precision the accuracy of analysis result depends. The most widely used type of analytical balances are balances with a capacity of 100 g and a sensitivity of 0.1 mg. Not one quantitative chemical analysis is possible without usage of balances, because, regardless of which analytical method is being used, there is always a need for weighing a sample for analysis and the necessary quantity of reagents for solution preparation.
The working part of the balance is enclosed in a glass-fitted case. The baseplate is usually of black glass or black slate. The beam has agate knife-edges at its extremes, supporting stirrups from which balance pans are suspended. Another agate or steel knife-edge is fixed exactly in the middle of the beam on its bottom side. This knife-edge faces downwards and supports the beam. When not in use and during loading or unloading of the pans, the balance should be arrested.
The principle of operation of a modern laboratory balance bears some resemblance to its predecessor - the equal arm balance. The older instrument opposed the torque exerted by an unknown mass on one side of a pivot to that of an adjustable known weight on the other side. When the pointer returned to the center position, the torques must be equal, and the weight was determined by the position of the moving weights.
Modern electronic laboratory balances work on the principle of magnetic force restoration. In this system, the force exerted by the object being weighed is lifted by an electromagnet. A detector measures the current required to oppose the downward motion of the weight in the magnetic field.
Biocapacity (or biological capacity) is the capacity of ecosystems to produce useful biological materials and to absorb carbon dioxide generated by humans, using current management schemes and extraction technologies. Useful biological materials are defined as those used by the human economy, hence what is considered useful can change from year to year. The biocapacity of an area is calculated by multiplying the actual physical area by the yield factor and the appropriate equivalence factor.
Yield factor is a factor that accounts for differences between countries in productivity of a given land type. Each country and each year has yield factors for cropland, grazing land, forest, and fisheries.
Equivalence factor is a productivity based scaling factor that converts a specific land type into a universal unit of biologically productive area, a global hectare (gha).
Henry (H) is the SI derived unit of inductance equal to the inductance of a closed circuit in which an e.m.f. of one volt is produced when the electric current in the circuit varies uniformly at a rate of one ampere per second (H = V·s/A). The unit was named after the American physicst Joseph Henry (1797-1878).
Immersion plating involves depositing a metallic coating on a metal immersed in a liquid solution, without the aid of an external electric current. Also called dip plating.
Balance is an instrument to measure the mass (or weight) of a body. Balance beam type scales are the oldest type and measure weight using a fulcrum or pivot and a lever with the unknown weight placed on one end of the lever, and a counterweight applied to the other end. When the lever is balanced, the unknown weight and the counterweight are equal. The equal-arm balance consists of two identical pans hung from either end of a centrally suspended beam. The unequal-arm balance is made with one arm of the balance much longer than the other.
More modern substitution balances use the substitution principle. In this calibrated weights are removed from the single lever arm to bring the single pan suspended from it into equilibrium with a fixed counter weight. The substitution balance is more accurate than the two-pan device and enables weighing to be carried out more rapidly.
Electromagnetic force restoration balances also use a lever system but a magnetic field is used to generate the force on the opposite end of the lever and balance out the unknown mass. The current used to drive the magnetic coil is proportional to the mass of the object placed on the platform.
The magnetic field B due to a current-carrying conductor can be determined by Biot-Savart law. The contribution to magnetic field set up at distance r by the current element IdL is given by expression:
where μ0 is permeability constant. It plays a role in magnetic problems equivalent to the role of permittivity constant μ0 in electrostatics problems. In order to obtain B, contributions of all current elements have to be integrated. In case of a long straight conductor, carrying current I, Biot-Savart law gives:
SI unit for magnetic field B is tesla (T).
Permaeability constant μ0 has value 4π×10-7 T m A-1.
Impedance is the analogue of the resistance or resistivity when applied to alternating current. That is, it is a measure of a material’s inability to carry the electrical current. In many materials the impedance varies as the frequency of the applied electrical potential changes, due to the properties of the conducting liquid or solid. In electrochemistry, the impedance of the electrodes is also frequency dependent.
Generalic, Eni. "SG-003A Voltage Current Signal Generator." Croatian-English Chemistry Dictionary & Glossary. 29 June 2022. KTF-Split. {Date of access}. <>.
Periodic Table