Sulfur has been known since ancient times. The origin of the name comes from the Sanskrit word sulvere meaning sulphur; also from the Latin word sulphurium meaning sulphur. It is pale yellow, odourless, brittle solid, which is insoluble in water but soluble in carbon disulfide. Sulfur is found in pure form and in ores like cinnabar, galena, sphalerite and stibnite. Pure form is obtained from underground deposits by the Frasch process. Used in matches, gunpowder, medicines, rubber and pesticides, dyes and insecticides. Also for making sulfuric acid (H2SO4).
Generalic, Eni. "Sulfur." Croatian-English Chemistry Dictionary & Glossary. 29 June 2022. KTF-Split. {Date of access}. <>.
Periodic Table