Geiger counter (Geiger-Muller counter) is a device used to detect and measure ionising radiation. It consists of a tube containing a low-pressure gas (usually argon or neon with methane) and a cylindrical hollow cathode through the centre of which runs a fine-wire anode. A potential difference of about 1 000 V is maintained between the electrodes. An ionising particle or photon passing through a window into the tube will cause an ion to be produced and the high potential will accelerate it towards its appropriate electrode, causing an avalanche of further ionisations by collision. The consequent current pulses can be counted in electronic circuits or simply amplified to work a small loudspeaker in the instrument. It was first devised in 1908 by the German physicist Hans Geiger (1882-1945). Geiger and W. Muller produced an improved design in 1928.
Reactivity series or activity series is a series of elements (usually metals) ranked by their reactivity degree, made for comparison of reactions of elements with other substances, e.g. acids and oxygen.
Recrystallisation is a formation of a new, strain free grain structure from the existing one in cold worked metal, usually accomplished by heating. The change from one crystal structure to another, as occurs on heating or cooling through a critical temperature.
Germanium was discovered by Clemens Winkler (Germany) in 1886. The origin of the name comes from the Latin word Germania meaning Germany. It is greyish-white semi-metal. Unaffected by alkalis and most (except nitric) acids. Stable in air and water. Germanium is obtained from refining copper, zinc and lead. Widely used in semiconductors. It is a good semiconductor when combined with tiny amounts of phosphorus, arsenic, gallium and antimony.
Global hectares (gha) are hectares with world-average productivity for all productive land and water areas in a given year. Because different land types have different productivity, a global hectare of, for example, cropland, would occupy a smaller physical area than the much less biologically productive pasture land, as more pasture would be needed to provide the same biocapacity as one hectare of cropland ("ordinary" hectare is an area equal to a square that is 100 meters on each side, so a hectare has 10 000 m2). Global hectare is unit for measuring our demands on the Earth (ecological footprint) and the ability of the Earth to supply our demands (biocapacity).
Global warming or greenhouse effect is an effect occurring in the atmosphere because of the presence of certain gases (greenhouse gases) that absorb infrared radiation. Light and ultraviolet radiation from the sun is able to penetrate the atmosphere and warm the Earth’s surface. This energy is re-radiated as infrared radiation which because of its longer wavelength, is absorbed by such substances as carbon dioxide. The overall effect is that the average temperature of the Earth and its atmosphere is increasing (so-called global Warming). The effect is similar to that occurring in a greenhouse, where light and long-wavelength ultraviolet radiation can pass through the glass into greenhouse but the infrared radiation is absorbed by the glass and part of it is re-radiated into the greenhouse.
The greenhouse effect is seen as a major environmental hazard. Average increases in temperature could change weather patterns and agricultural output. It might also lead to melting of the polar ice caps and a corresponding rise in sea level. Carbon dioxide, from fossil-fuel power stations and car exhausts, is the main greenhouse gas. Other contributory pollutants are nitrogen oxides, ozone, methane, and chloroflourocarbons.
Reverse osmosis is the method used for obtaining freshwater from saltwater. The process uses a semi-permeable membrane through which pure water and not the salts will pass. The saltwater must be pressurised to approximately 25 bar, which makes it operationally expensive to produce large quantities of fresh water by this method.
Sand filtration is a frequently used and very robust method of removing suspended solids from water. The filtration medium consists of a multiple layer of sand with a variety in size and specific gravity. Sand filters can be supplied in different sizes and materials, both hand operated and fully automatically.
Seaborgium was discovered by workers at the Nuclear Institute at Dubna (USSR) and by workers at the University of California, Berkeley (USA) in 1974. Named in honour of Glenn T. Seaborg, American nuclear chemist and Nobel prize winner. It is synthetic radioactive metal. Seaborgium was made by bombarding californium-249 with oxygen-18.
Gold has been known since ancient times. The origin of the name comes from the Latin word aurum meaning gold. It is soft, malleable, bright yellow metal. Unaffected by air, water, alkalis and most acids. Gold is found in veins in the crust, with copper ore and native. Used in electronics, jewellery and coins. It is a good reflector of infrared radiation, so a thin film of gold is applied to the glass of skyscrapers to reduce internal heating from sunlight.
Generalic, Eni. "Meta položaj." Croatian-English Chemistry Dictionary & Glossary. 29 June 2022. KTF-Split. {Date of access}. <>.
Periodic Table