Boron compounds have been known for thousands of years, but the element was not discovered until 1808 by Sir Humphry Davy (England) and independently by Joseph-Louis Gay-Lussac (France) and L. J. Thenard (France). The origin of the name comes from the Arabic word buraq and the Persian word burah meaning boraks. It is hard, brittle, lustrous black semimetal. Unreactive with oxygen, water, alkalis or acids. Combines with most metals to form borides. Boron is obtained from kernite, a kind of borax (Na2B4O7·10H2O). High purity boron is produced by electrolysis of molten potassium fluroborate and potassium chloride (KCl). Amorphous boron is used in pyrotechnic flares to provide a distinctive green color and in rockets as an igniter.
Cyanide process is a method for separating a metal from an ore. Crushed ore is treated with cyanide ion to produce a soluble metal cyanide complex. The complex is washed out of the ore and reduced to metallic form using an active metal (usually zinc).
Flash point is the lowest temperature at which a liquid or volatile solid gives off vapour sufficient to form an ignitable mixture with the air near the surface of the liquid or within the test vessel (NFPA).
Bragg angle (Θ) is the angle between an incident X-ray beam and a set of crystal planes for which the secondary radiation displays maximum intensity as a result of constructive interference. British physicist Sir William Henry Bragg and his son Sir William Lawrence Bragg developed a simple relation for scattering angles, now call Bragg’s law.
which relates the angle θ between a crystal plane and the diffracted X-ray beam, the wavelength λ of the x-rays, the crystal plane spacing d, and the diffraction order n (any integer).
The diffraction experiment as presently considered is intended to provide quantitative information on the lattice constant and shape characteristics of the unit cell.
Bronze is an alloy made primarily of copper and tin. It may contain as much as 25 % tin. Bronzes with 10 % or more tin are harder, stronger, and resistant to corrosion. As bronze weathers, a brown or green film forms on the surface. This film inhibits corrosion. Silicon or aluminium is often added to bronze to improve resistance to corrosion. Phosphorus, lead, zinc, and other metals may be added for special purposes. The alloy is hard and easily cast and is extensively used in bearings, valves and other machine parts.
Bronze was one of the first alloys developed by ancient metal workers. The Bronze Age occurred in Europe around 2200 to 700 BC. Bronze was used for weapons such as spearheads, swords, and knives. Since ancient times, bronze has been the most popular metal for casting statues and other art objects.
The term bronze has been adopted commercially for many copper-rich alloys that contain little or no tin but are similar in colour to bronze, including aluminium bronze, manganese bronze, and silicon bronze. Aluminium bronze is used to make tools and, because it will not spark when struck. Manganese bronze is actually a brass that contains manganese. It is often used to make ship propellers because it is strong and resists corrosion by sea water.
Flashback occurs when the flame in a gas torch burns back into the torch or hose; this is often accompanied by a hissing or squealing sound, and a pointed or smoky flame.
Flotation is a procedure in which hydrophobic solid substances are separated from hydrophilic one using bubbles of air. If air is blow through a suspension, in which substances promoting easier creation of foam are added, bubbles of air are created which stick to the hydrophobic matter and carry it out to the surface.
In most cases light can be described as an electromagnetic wave. Geometrical optics is an approximation in which the waves can be represented as straight-line rays. This approximation is valid if the light waves do not meet obstacles comparable in size to the wavelength of radiation.
Bunsen burner is a standard source of heat in the laboratory. German chemist Roberts Bunsen (1811-1899) improved the burner's design, which had been invented by Faraday, to aid his endeavors in spectroscopy. The Bunsen burner has a vertical metal tube through which a fine jet of fuel gas is directed. Air is drawn in through airholes near the base of the tube and the mixture is ignited and burns at the tube’s upper opening. The flow of this air is controlled by an adjustable collar on the side of the metal tube. When the whole is closed a yellow safety flame is displayed. Where as when the whole is open it displays a power dull blue flame with a faint blue outer flame with a vibrant blue core used u for combustion and hearting. The flame can reach temperatures of 1 500 °C.
Generalic, Eni. "Katodna zraka." Croatian-English Chemistry Dictionary & Glossary. 29 June 2022. KTF-Split. {Date of access}. <>.
Periodic Table