Ball mill is a grinder for reducing hard materials to powder. The grinding is carried out by the pounding and rolling of a charge of steel or ceramic balls carried within the cylinder. The cylinder rotates at a relatively slow speed, allowing the balls to cascade through the mill base, thus grinding or dispersing the materials.
Type of ball mills, centrifugal and planetary mills, are devices used to rapidly grind materials to colloidal fineness (approximately 1 μm and below) by developing high grinding energy via centrifugal and/or planetary action.
Battery a device that converts chemical energy to electrical energy. The process underlying the operation of a battery involves a chemical reaction in which electrons are transferred from one chemical species to another. This process is carried out in two half-reactions, one that involves the loss of electrons and one that involves their gain. The battery is an electrochemical cell divided in two half-cells, and reaction proceeds when these are connected together by an electrically conducting pathway. The passage of electrons from one half-cell to the other corresponds to an electric current. Each half-cell contains an electrode in contact with the reacting species. The electrode which passes electrons into the circuit when battery discharges is called anode and is negative terminal. The electrode which receives electrons is called cathode, and is the battery’s positive terminal. The electrical circuit is completed by an electrolyte, an electrically conducting substance placed between the two electrodes which carriers a flow of charge between them. In wet cells, the electrolyte is a liquid containing dissolved ions, whose motion generates an electrical current; in dry cells the electrolyte is basely solid, for example, a solid with mobile ions or porous solid saturated with an ionic solution.
Cementation is any metallurgical process in which the surfaces of a metal is impregnated by some other substance, especially an obsolete process for making steel by heating bars of wrought iron to red heat for several days in a bed of charcoal.
Chemical element is a type of matter of which elementary matter is composed. Chemical element is composed of atoms with the same core charge.
Beta particle is a charged particle emitted from a radioactive atomic nucleus either natural or manufactured. The energies of beta particles range from 0 MeV to 4 MeV. They carry a single charge; if this is negative, the particle is identical with an electron; if positive, it is a positron.
An unstable atomic nucleus changes into a nucleus of the same mass number but different proton number with the emission of an electron and an antineutrino (or a positron and a neutrino)
Blast furnace is a furnace for smelting of iron from iron oxide ores (hematite, Fe2O3 or magnetite, Fe3O4). Coke, limestone and iron ore are poured in the top, which would normally burn only on the surface. The hot air blast to the furnace burns the coke and maintains the very high temperatures that are needed to reduce the ore to iron. The reaction between air and the fuel generates carbon monoxide. This gas reduces the iron(III) oxide in the ore to iron.
Because the furnace temperature is in the region of 1500 °C, the metal is produced in a molten state and this runs down to the base of the furnace.
The production of iron in a blast furnace is a continuous process. The furnace is heated constantly and is re-charged with raw materials from the top while it is being tapped from the bottom. Iron making in the furnace usually continues for about ten years before the furnace linings have to be renewed.
Bohr magneton (μB) is the atomic unit of magnetic moment, defined as
where h is Planck’s constant, me the electron mass, and e the elementary charge. It is the moment associated with a single electron spin.
Coagulation is a process of colloid particles merging into bigger ones. By removing the charge form a colloid ion, by increasing the temperature or by increasing electrolyte concentration, colloid particles will gather into bigger groups precipitate will emerge. Precipitate that is formed in this way (coagulate) is amorphic and considerably polluted with adsorbed pollutants.
Generalic, Eni. "Wire gauge chart." Croatian-English Chemistry Dictionary & Glossary. 29 June 2022. KTF-Split. {Date of access}. <>.
Periodic Table