Lead-acid battery is a electrical storage device that uses a reversible chemical reaction to store energy. It was invented in 1859 by French physicist Gaston Planté. Lead-acid batteries are composed of a lead(IV) oxide cathode, a sponge metallic lead anode and a sulphuric acid solution electrolyte.
In charging, the electrical energy supplied to the battery is changed to chemical energy and stored. The chemical reaction during recharge is normally written:
In discharging, the chemical energy stored in the battery is changed to electrical energy. During discharge, lead sulfate (PbSO4) is formed on both the positive and negative plates. The chemical reaction during discharge is normally written:
Lead acid batteries are low cost, robust, tolerant to abuse, tried and tested. For higher power applications with intermittent loads however, they are generally too big and heavy and they suffer from a shorter cycle life.
Lithium was discovered by Johan August Arfvedson (Sweden) in 1817. The origin of the name comes from the Greek word lithos meaning stone, apparently because it was discovered from a mineral source whereas the other two elements, sodium and potassium, were discovered from plant sources. It is soft silvery-white metal. Lightest of metals. Reacts slowly with water and oxygen. Flammable. Can ignite in air. Reacts with water to give off a flammable gas. Lithium is obtained by passing electric charge through melted lithium chloride and from the silicate mineral called spodumene [LiAl(Si2O6)]. Used in batteries. Also for certain kinds of glass and ceramics. Some is used in lubricants.
Lithosphere (from the Greek for rocky sphere) is rigid, rocky outer layer of the Earth, consisting of the crust and the solid outermost layer of the upper mantle. The distinguishing characteristic of the lithosphere is not its composition but its flow properties. It floats on the asthenosphere, which is the heat-softened layer of the mantle below the lithosphere.
The lithospheric is not one continuous piece but is broken into about a dozen major separate rigid blocks, or plates, which move independently relative to one another. This movement of lithospheric plates over the asthenosphere is described as plate tectonics. When an oceanic plate and a continental plate meet, the heavier oceanic plate (composed mostly of basalt, specific gravity about 3.0 or peridotite, specific gravity about 3.3) subducts under the lighter continental plate (composed mostly of granite, specific gravity about 2.7).
Lysine is an electrically charged amino acids with basic side chains. Lysine is a base, as are arginine and histidine. The amino group is highly reactive and often participates in reactions at the active centers of enzymes. Lysine plays an important role in coordinating negatively charged ligands. It is an essential amino acid, which means that humans cannot synthesize it, so it must be ingested.
Mass spectrometry is an analytical technique in which ions are separated according to the mass/charge (m/e) ratio and detected by a suitable detector.
In a mass spectrometer a sample is ionised and the positive ions produced are accelerated into a high-vacuum region containing electric and magnetic fields. These fields deflect and focus the ions onto a detector. A mass spectrum is thus obtained, consisting of a series of peaks of variable intensity to which m/e values can be assigned. Different molecules can be identified by their characteristic pattern of lines.
Metals are materials in which the highest occupied energy band (conduction band) is only partially filled with electrons.
Their physical properties generally include:
- They are good conductors of heat and electricity. The electrical conductivity of metals generally decreases with temperature.
- They are malleable and ductile in their solid state.
- They show metallic lustre.
- They are opaque.
- They have high density.
- They are solids (except mercury)
- They have a crystal structure in which each atom is surrounded by eight to twelve near neighbours
Their chemical properties generally are:
- They have one to four valence electrons.
- They have low ionisation potentials; they readily lose electrons.
- They are good reducing agents.
- They have hydroxides which are bases or amphoteric.
- They are electropositive.
Metallic characteristics of the elements decrease and non-metallic characteristics increase with the increase of valence electrons. Also metallic characteristics increase with the number of electron shells. Therefore, there is no sharp dividing line between the metals and non-metals.
Of the 114 elements now known, only 17 show primarily non-metallic characteristics, 7 others are metalloids, and 89 may be classed as metals.
Mohs’ scale of mineral hardness characterises the scratch resistance of various minerals through the ability of a harder material to scratch a softer. It was created by the German mineralogist Friedrich Mohs (1773-1839). Mohs based the scale on the ten readily available minerals.
Hardness | Mineral |
1 | talc (Mg3Si4O10(OH)2) |
2 | gypsum (CaSO4·2H2O) |
3 | calcite (CaCO3) |
4 | fluorite (CaF2) |
5 | apatite (Ca5(PO4)3(OH-,Cl-,F-)) |
6 | orthoclase feldspar (KAlSi3O8) |
7 | quartz (SiO2) |
8 | topaz (Al2SiO4(OH-,F-)2) |
9 | corundum (Al2O2) |
10 | diamond (C) |
Molecular shape is the three dimensional arrangement of atoms in space around a central atom. The molecular formula of a substance does not give an indication of its shape. For example, CO2 is a linear molecule, but SO2 is angular.
The three-dimensional shapes of many small molecules can be predicted by applying the valence shell electron pair repulsion theory (VSEPR). When atoms combine to form molecules, pairs of valence electrons arrange themselves as far from each other as possible. Another way to characterize molecular shape is in terms of hybrid orbitals.
Niobium was discovered by Charles Hatchett (England) in 1801. The origin of the name comes from the Greek word Niobe meaning daughter of Tantalus in Greek mythology (tantalum is closely related to niobium in the periodic table). It is shiny white, soft, ductile metal. Exposed surfaces form oxide film. Niobium occurs in a mineral columbite. It is used in stainless steel alloys for nuclear reactors, jets and missiles. Used as an alloy with iron and nickel. It can be used in nuclear reactors and is known to be superconductive when alloyed with tin, aluminium or zirconium.
Nonpolar molecule is a molecule which has no separation of charge, so no positive or negative poles are formed. For example, the Cl2 molecule has no polar bonds (molecule with one type of atom), CH4 is a non-polar molecule (due to its symmetry). Nonpolar molecules do not dissolve in water as they cannot form hydrogen bonds (thus are hydrophobic) but do dissolve in lipids or fats (lipophilic).
Generalic, Eni. "Wire gauge chart." Croatian-English Chemistry Dictionary & Glossary. 29 June 2022. KTF-Split. {Date of access}. <https://glossary.periodni.com>.
Periodic Table