Chemical change is a process which results in the production of one or more new materials. The system within which the process takes place is called a chemical system. A chemical change is also known as a chemical reaction, where one substance is converted into one or more different substances. When sodium and chlorine react to produce sodium chloride, a chemical reaction has taken place.
Chemical elements are represented by their symbols, and chemical compounds are represented by a group of symbols of those elements from which the compound is composed. That group of symbols, which shows which atoms and in which number relation they are present in certain compound is called a chemical compound formula.
In a formula chemical symbols show which element is present in a certain compound, and its index shows how much of that element there is in a certain compound. From sulphuric acid formula H2SO4 we can see that one molecule of sulphuric acid consists of two atoms of hydrogen, one atom of sulphur and four atoms of oxygen.
Chemical equation is a way of denoting a chemical reaction using the symbol for the participating particles (atoms, molecules, ions, etc.); for example,
The single arrow is used for an irreversible reaction; double arrows are used for reversible reactions. When reactions involve different phases, it is usual to put the phase in brackets after the symbol.
s | = | solid |
l | = | liquid |
g | = | gas |
aq | = | aqueous |
The numbers a, b, c, and d, showing the relative numbers of molecules reacting, are called the stoichiometric coefficients. The convention is that stoichiometric coefficients are positive for reactants and negative for products. If the sum of the coefficients is zero, the equation is balanced.
For a mixture of substances, the chemical potential of constituent B (μB) is defined as the partial derivative of the Gibbs energy G with respect to the amount (number of moles) of B, with temperature, pressure, and amounts of all other constituents held constant.
Also called partial molar Gibbs energy. Components are in equilibrium if their chemical potentials are equal.
Chemical reactions are symbolically shown with chemical equations. On the left side of the equation we write formulas or substance symbols which enter the chemical reaction, reactants. On the right side formulas or substance symbols which emerge from the chemical reaction, products, are writen.
Each chemical reaction leads to an equilibrium which is moved more or less to one side (left or right). Because of that, in reversible reactions instead of = sign two opposite arrows are put
In order to write down certain chemical reaction equation all reactants and all products and their stechiometric proportions must be known. (See Chemical reaction balancing)
Chiral centre in organic chemistry is most often an asymmetrically substituted carbon atom (C*).
Chiral molecule is a molecule which cannot be superimposed on its mirror image. A common example is an organic molecule containing a carbon atom to which four different atoms or groups are attached. Such molecules exhibit optical activity, i.e., they rotate the plane of a polarised light beam.
Clapeyron equation (also called the Clausius-Clapeyron equation) is a relation between pressure and temperature of two phases of a pure substance that are in equilibrium,
where ΔtrsS is the difference in entropy between the phases and ΔtrsV the corresponding difference in volume.
Originally chlorinity (symbol Cl) was defined as the weight of chlorine in grams per kilogram of seawater after the bromides and iodides had been replaced by chlorides. To make the definition independent of atomic weights, chlorinity is now defined as 0.3285233 times the weight of silver equivalent to all the halides.
The Mohr-Knudsen titration method served oceanographers for more than 60 years to determine salinity from chlorinity. This modification of the Mohr method uses special volumetric glassware calibrated directly in chlorinity units. The Mohr method uses potassium chromate (K2CrO4) as an indicator in the titration of chloride ions chloride (plus a small amount of bromide and iodide) with a silver nitrate (AgNO3) standard solution.
The other halides present are similarly precipitated.
A problem in the Mohr titration was that silver nitrate is not well suited for a primary standard. The Danish physicist Martin Knudsen (1871-1949) suggested that a standard seawater (Eau de mer Normale or Copenhagen Normal Water) be created and distributed to oceanographic laboratories throughout the world. This water was then used to standardize the silver nitrate solutions. In this way all chlorinity determinations were referred to one and the same standard which gave great internal consistency.
The relationship between chlorinity Cl and salinity S as set forth in Knudsen's tables is
In 1962, however, a better expression for the relationship between total dissolved salts and chlorinity was found to be
Cobalt was discovered by Georg Brandt (Germany) in 1735. The origin of the name comes from the German word kobald meaning goblin or evil spirit. It is hard, ductile, lustrous bluish-grey metal. Surfaces stable in air. Reacts over time with dilute acids. It has remarkable magnetic properties. Cobalt occurs in compounds with arsenic and sulfur as in cobaltine (CoAsS) and linneite (Co3S4). Pure cobalt is obtained as a by-product of refining nickel, copper and iron. Used in many hard alloys; for magnets, ceramics and special glasses. Radioactive cobalt-60 is used in cancer therapy.
Generalic, Eni. "Sửa báo cáo khoản vay nước ngoài." Croatian-English Chemistry Dictionary & Glossary. 29 June 2022. KTF-Split. {Date of access}. <>.
Periodic Table