Invert sugar is a mixture of equal parts of glucose and fructose resulting from the hydrolysis of sucrose (saccharose). The name stemming from the fact that it rotates of plane polarized light in the opposite direction of sucrose. Sucrose is dextrorotatory - it rotates polarized light clockwise ([α]D = +66.5°). Invert sugar rotates the plane of the polarized light counterclockwise ([α]D = -22°) due to the strongly levorotatory nature of fructose ([α]D = -92°).
Homemade artificial honey (invert sugar syrup): Dissolve two parts of household sugar (1 kg) with stirring in one part of water (0.5 kg) in a saucepan over low heat. Add 1 g of citric acid or the juice of one lemon to the mixture. Bring the ingredients to a slow boil. It can take anywhere between 15 minutes to 1 hour. The end result is sticky, golden syrup. Let it sit at room temperature until it is cool.
Schiff base is a class of compounds derived by the chemical reaction (condensation) of aldehydes or ketones with aromatic amines, for example
They were named after the German chemist Hugo Schiff (1834-1915).
Subatomic particles are the constituent parts of the atom, such as the electron, proton, neutron, etc.
Substitution (substitution reaction) is a reaction in which an atom or fragment within a molecule is replaced with another atom or a fragment.
1. Substrate is a surface upon which an organism grows, sometimes by using chemicals of particles in the material as food
2. Substrate is a substance that is acted upon by an enzyme during a biochemical reaction.
3. Substrate is the material or product that is to be coated (for example, paint or laminate.).
Superconductivity is the phenomenon in which certain metals, alloys, and compounds below a certain temperature, the transition point (Tc), lose electrical resistance and magnetic permeability, i.e. have infinite electrical conductivity (Meissner effect and Josephson effect).
Superconductor is a material that experiences a nearly total loss of electrical resistivity below a critical temperature Tc.
Supercooled liquids are liquids at temperatures below their normal freezing points.
Solution is supersaturated when it contains greater quantity of dissolved substance in itself than it corresponds to solubility of that substance at that temperature. It is said to be in an unstable state, and by shaking the vessel containing that such a solution separation of salt surplus can occur.
Surface tension (σ) is a property of liquids arising from unbalanced molecular cohesive forces at or near the surface, as a result of which the surface tends to contract and has properties resembling those of a stretched elastic membrane. As a result of which the surface tends to contract and has properties resembling those of a stretched elastic membrane.
Generalic, Eni. "Sửa báo cáo khoản vay nước ngoài." Croatian-English Chemistry Dictionary & Glossary. 29 June 2022. KTF-Split. {Date of access}. <>.
Periodic Table