Allihn condenser or bulb condenser consists of an outer water jacket and the inner glass tube with a series of spherical bubbles to maximize the thermal contact with the cooling water. It is named after its inventor, the German chemist Felix Richard Allihn (1854-1915).
Aluminium was discovered by Friedrich Wöhler (Germany) in 1827. The origin of the name comes from the Latin word alumen meaning alum. It is soft, lightweight, silvery-white metal. Exposed surfaces quickly form protective oxide coating. Metal reacts violently with oxidants. Third most abundant element in the earth’s crust. Aluminium is the most abundant metal to be found in the earth’s crust, but is never found free in nature. Aluminium is obtained by electrolysis from bauxite. Used for many purposes from airplanes to beverage cans. Too soft in its pure form so less than 1 % of silicon or iron is added, which hardens and strengthens it.
Berkelium was discovered by Stanley G. Thompson, Albert Ghiorso and Glenn T. Seaborg (USA) in 1949. Named after Berkeley, a city in California, home of the University of California, USA. It is synthetic radioactive metal. Berkelium was made by bombarding americium with alpha particles.
Bohrium was discovered by Peter Armbruster, Gottfried Münzenber and their co-workers at the Heavy Ion Research Laboratory (Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung, GSI) in Darmstadt, Germany in 1981. Named in honour of Niels Bohr, the Danish physicist. It is synthetic radioactive metal. Bohrium was produced by bombarding bismuth-204 with chromium-54.
Californium was discovered by Stanley G. Thompson, Kenneth Street Jr. and Albert Ghiorso (USA) in 1950. Named after the State and University of California, USA. It is synthetic radioactive metal. Powerful neutron emitter. Californium was made by bombarding curium with helium ions.
Angular momentum is a physical quantity defined for rotating motion (in analogy to momentum that is defined for linear motion). If a body rotates around a specified axis, its angular momentum equals
Where I is the rotational inertia concerning that axis and ω is the angular velocity of the body.
Angular momentum can also be defined for a point-like body concerning a specified origin (in that case, it is not necessary that the point-like body undergoes circular motion). Rotational inertia of the point-like body, concerning that origin equals:
Where m is the mass of the body and r is its distance from the origin.
A point-like object that undergoes circular motion changes its angular position from initial Θi to final Θf, relative to a fixed axis, specified in a coordinate system with an origin that coincides the centre of the circular path of object. The change in its angular position is called angular displacement ΔΘ = Θf - Θi. Also, a rigid body that rotates about a specified rotation axis, changing its angular position from initial Θi to final Θf, undergoes an angular displacement ΔΘ.
The average angular velocity, ωav, is the ratio of the angular displacement and the time interval Δt=tf-ti, in which that displacement occurs.
Θf and Θi are the initial and final angular position, respectively.
The instantaneous angular velocity ω is the limit of the average angular velocity, as Δt is made to approach zero.
ωav and ω are positive for the counterclockwise rotation (in direction of increasing Θ) and negative for the clockwise rotation (in direction of decreasing Θ).
SI unit for angular velocity is s-1.The measure for the angle Θ is radian. The relationship between radians and degrees is:
For example, the angular velocity of the minute hand of a clock is:
Cosmic rays are high energy (1015 eV- 1017 eV) nuclear particles, electrons, and photons, originating mostly outside the solar system, which continually bombard the Earth’s atmosphere.
Antimony has been known since ancient times. The origin of the name comes from the Latin word stibium meaning mineral stibnite. It is hard, brittle, silvery-white semimetal. Stable in dry air. Toxic by ingestion or inhalation. Antimony is found in stibnite (Sb2S3) and in valentinite (Sb2O3). It is alloyed with other metals to increase their hardness. Also in the manufacture of a few special types of semiconductor devices. Also in plastics and chemicals. A few kinds of over-the-counter cold and flu remedies use antimony compounds.
Argon was discovered by Lord Raleigh and Sir William Ramsay (Scotland) in 1894. The origin of the name comes from the Greek word argos meaning inactive. It is colourless and odourless noble gas. Chemically inert. It is the third most abundant element in the earth’s atmosphere and makes up about 1 %. Argon is continuously released into the air by decay of radioactive potassium-40. Pure form is obtained from fractional distillation of liquid air. Used in lighting products. It is often used in filling incandescent light bulbs. Some is mixed with krypton in fluorescent lamps. Crystals in the semiconductor industry are grown in argon atmospheres.
Generalic, Eni. "Origin of the name Oukonunaka." Croatian-English Chemistry Dictionary & Glossary. 29 June 2022. KTF-Split. {Date of access}. <>.
Periodic Table