Crystal is a solid with a regular geometric shape, having a characteristic internal structure and enclosed by symmetrically arranged plane surfaces, intersecting at definite and characteristic angles. In crystals the particles (atoms, ions, or molecules) have a regular three-dimensional repeating arrangement in space. This is called the crystal structure. The crystal lattice is the arrangement of points in space at which the particles are positioned.
Bragg angle (Θ) is the angle between an incident X-ray beam and a set of crystal planes for which the secondary radiation displays maximum intensity as a result of constructive interference. British physicist Sir William Henry Bragg and his son Sir William Lawrence Bragg developed a simple relation for scattering angles, now call Bragg’s law.
which relates the angle θ between a crystal plane and the diffracted X-ray beam, the wavelength λ of the x-rays, the crystal plane spacing d, and the diffraction order n (any integer).
The diffraction experiment as presently considered is intended to provide quantitative information on the lattice constant and shape characteristics of the unit cell.
Carboxylic acids are organic compounds characterized by the presence of one or more RC(=O)OH groups (the carboxyl group). In the systematic chemical nomenclature carboxylic acids names end in the suffix -oic (e.g. ethanoic acids, CH3COOH). The carbon of the terminal group being counted as part of the chain. They are generally weak acids. Carboxylic acids include a large and important class of fatty acids and may be either saturated or unsaturated. There are also some natural aromatic carboxylic acids (benzoic, salicylic).
Cetane number is a measure of the ignition quality of diesel fuel. It denotes the volume fraction of cetane (C16H34) in a combustible mixture (containing cetane and 1-methylnapthalene) whose ignition characteristics match those of the diesel fuel being tested. Cetane is a collection of un-branched open chain alkane molecule that ignites very easily under compression, so it was assigned a cetane number of 100, while alpha-methyl naphthalene was assigned a cetane number of 0.
Chelate is a compound characterized by the presence of bonds from two or more bonding sites within the same ligand to a central metal atom. For example, copper complexes with EDTA to form a chelate. Chelate complexes are more stable than complexes with the corresponding monodentate ligands.
Fluorescence is a luminescence phenomenon in which electron returns to it's ground state almost instantaneously (less than 10-8 second), and in which emission from a luminescent substance ceases when the exciting source is removed. Fluorescence is characterized by radiation emission in all directions.
Hydrophilic is having a strong tendency to bind or absorb water, which results in swelling and formation of reversible gels. This property is characteristic of carbohydrates.
Hydrophobic is antagonistic to water, incapable of dissolving in water. This property is characteristic of oils, fats, waxes, and many resins.
Colloids are systems in which there are two or more phases, with one (the dispersed phase) distributed in the other (the continuous phase). Moreover, at least one of the phases has small dimensions, in the range between 1 nm and 1 μm (10-9 m – 10-6 m). Dimension, rather than the nature of the material, is characteristic. In this size range, the surface area of the particle is large with respect to its volume so that unusual phenomena occur, e.g., the particles do not settle out of the suspension by gravity and are small enough to pass through filter membranes. Macromolecules (proteins and other high polymers) are at the lower limit of this range; the upper limit is usually taken to be the point at which the particles can be resolved in an optical microscope.
Colloidal particles may be gaseous, liquid, or solid, and occur in various types of suspensions:
Sols - dispersions of small solid particles in a liquid.
Emulsions - colloidal systems in which the dispersed and continuous phases are both liquids.
Gels - colloids in which both dispersed and continuous phases have a three-dimensional network throughout the material.
Aerosols - colloidal dispersions of liquid or solid particles in a gas.
Foams - dispersions of gases in liquids or solids.
Generalic, Eni. "Manhwa disciple of three kings characters." Croatian-English Chemistry Dictionary & Glossary. 29 June 2022. KTF-Split. {Date of access}. <>.
Periodic Table