Results 1–3 of 3 for largest cities in norway
Haematite is a mineral of iron(III) oxide Fe2O3. It is the most important ore of iron and usually occurs in two main forms: as a massive red kidney-shaped ore and as grey to black metallic crystals known as specular iron ore. Haematite is the major red colouring agent in rocks; the largest deposits are of sedimentary origin. In industry haematite is also used as a polishing agent (jeweller’s rouge) and in paints.
Sedimentation is a process of separating specifically heavier, suspended matter, than the solution is. Solid matter settles on the bottom of the vessel and the liquid above it is poured off. The settling zone is the largest portion of the sedimentation basin. This zone provides the calm area necessary for the suspended particles to settle. The sludge zone, located at the bottom of the tank, provides a storage area for the sludge before it is removed for additional treatment or disposal.
Tryptophan is hydrophobic amino acids with aromatic side chain. Tryptophan is large aromatic residue that is normally found buried in the interior of a protein and is important for protein stability. Tryptophan has the largest side chain and is the least common amino acid in proteins. It has spectral properties that make it the best inherent probe for following protein folding and conformational changes associated with biochemical processes. It is an essential amino acid, which means that humans cannot synthesize it, so it must be ingested.
Generalic, Eni. "Largest cities in norway." Croatian-English Chemistry Dictionary & Glossary. 29 June 2022. KTF-Split. {Date of access}. <>.
Periodic Table