Winkler’s method was once a common method used to determine the dissolved oxygen concentration by titration. Now rarely used due to the accuracy and low price of oxygen meters.
The water sample is first treated with excess manganese(II) sulfate solution and then with an alkaline solution of potassium iodide. The Mn(OH)2 initially formed reacts with the dissolved oxygen. The amount of MnO(OH)2 formed is determined by reaction with iodide ion in acidic solution. The iodine formed may be titrated against standard thiosulfate solution, using starch as an indicator.
Refractometer is an optical device used from measurement of refractive index. A refractometer takes advantage of the fact that light bends as it passes through different materials. It can be used to measure the salinity of water or the amount of sugar in fresh grapes. Refractometers are available with or without automatic temperature compensation (ATC).
When using a conventional saltwater refractometer, a sample is placed on an optical prism in the sample window. As light shines through the sample, it is bent according to the salinity of the water, and casts a shadow on the scale that is visible through the eyepiece. Salinity is read directly through the eyepiece.
Allotropes are the elements which exist in two or more different forms in the same physical state. Allotropes generally differ in physical properties and may also differ in chemical activity.
Diamond, graphite and fullerenes are three allotropes of the element carbon. Graphite is a soft, black, slippery substance; by contrast, diamond is one of the hardest substances known. The different properties of the allotropes arise from their chemical structures. Diamonds typically crystallize in the cubic crystal system and consist of tetrahedrally bonded carbon atoms. Graphite crystallizes in the hexagonal system. In the fullerenes, the carbon atoms taking the form of a hollow sphere, ellipsoid, or tube.
In some cases, the allotropes are stable over a temperature range, with a definite transition point at which one changes into the other. For instance, tin has two allotropes: white (metallic) tin stable above 13.2 °C and grey (nonmetallic) tin stable below 13.2 °C.
The term allotropes may also be used to refer to the molecular forms of an element. Ozone is a chemically active triatomic allotrope of the element oxygen.
Different substances of the same elementary system are called allotropes or allotropic modifications. In the case of oxygen, there are two allotropic modifications: "normal" dioxygen (O2) and trioxygen (O3) or ozone.
In most cases light can be described as an electromagnetic wave. Geometrical optics is an approximation in which the waves can be represented as straight-line rays. This approximation is valid if the light waves do not meet obstacles comparable in size to the wavelength of radiation.
Glass is a brittle transparent solid with the molecular structure of a liquid. It is made by fusing together sand (SiO2), soda (Na2CO3), and lime (CaCO3) with small quantities other compounds. It is used for window panes and mirrors, for articles of table and culinary use, for lenses, and various articles of ornament.
Fritz Haber (1868-1934) is German physical chemist, winner of the Nobel Prize for Chemistry (1918) for his development of a method of synthesizing ammonia. With Carl Bosch, he invented a process for the large-scale production of ammonia for use in nitrogen fertilizer.
Generalic, Eni. "Casa portuguesa wine." Croatian-English Chemistry Dictionary & Glossary. 29 June 2022. KTF-Split. {Date of access}. <>.
Periodic Table