Alpha rays are a stream of alpha particles. Alpha rays rapidly dissipate their energy as they pass through materials. They were discovered by the British physicist Ernest Rutherford (1871-1937), a New Zealander by birth, in 1903.
Cosmic rays are high energy (1015 eV- 1017 eV) nuclear particles, electrons, and photons, originating mostly outside the solar system, which continually bombard the Earth’s atmosphere.
X-rays are electromagnetic radiation of shorter wavelength than ultraviolet radiation (10-11 m to 10-9 m or 0.01 nm to 1 nm) produced by bombardment of atoms by high-quantum-energy particles. X-rays can pass through many forms of matter and they are therefore used medically and industrially to examine the internal structure.
Cathode ray is a negatively charged beam that emanates from the cathode of a discharge tube. Cathode rays are streams of electrons.
X-ray spectrum is a set of characteristic X-ray frequencies or wavelengths produced by a substance used as a target in an X-ray tube. Each element has a characteristic X-ray spectrum, and there is a strong correlation between atomic number and the frequencies of certain lines in the X-ray spectrum.
Actinium was discovered by André Debierne (France) in 1899. The origin of the name comes from the Greek word aktinos meaning ray. It is heavy, silvery-white, very radioactive metal. Reacts with water. Glows in the dark. Actinium is extremely rare, found in all uranium ores. Usually obtained by treating radium with neutrons in a reactor.
Activated charcoal or activated carbon is charcoal that has been activated for adsorption by steaming or by heating in a vacuum. Charcoal is obtained by burning wood, nutshells, coconut husks or other materials. Charcoal becomes activated by heating it with steam to approximately 1000 °C in the absence of oxygen.
The chemical nature of amorphous carbon, combined with a high surface area makes it an ideal medium for the adsorption of organic chemicals. A single gram of such material can have 400 m2 to 1 200 m2 square meters of surface area. Activated charcoal is widely used to decolorize liquids, recover solvents, and remove toxins from water and air.
Generalic, Eni. "X-zrake." Croatian-English Chemistry Dictionary & Glossary. 29 June 2022. KTF-Split. {Date of access}. <>.
Periodic Table