Erbium was discovered by Carl Gustaf Mosander (Sweden) in 1843. Named after Ytterby, a village in Sweden. It is soft, malleable, silvery metal. Reacts slowly with water. Dissolves in acids. Metal ignites and burns readily. Erbium is found with other heavier rare earths in xenotime and euxenite. Erbium oxide is used in ceramics to obtain a pink glaze. Also a few uses in the nuclear industry and as an alloying agent for other exotic metals.
Europium was discovered by Eugene Demarcay (France) in 1896. Named for the continent of Europe. It is soft, silvery-white metal. Extremely reactive with oxygen and water. Europium is obtained from monazite sand, which is a mixture of phosphates of calcium, thorium, cerium and most other rare earths. Used with yttrium oxide to make red phosphors for colour televisions.
Gadolinium was discovered by Jean de Marignac (France) in 1880. Named after the mineral gadolinite, named for J. Gadolin, a Finnish chemist and mineralogist. It is soft, ductile, silvery-white metal. Reacts slowly with water and oxygen. Dissolves in acids. Metal ignites and burns readily. Gadolinium is found with other rare earths in gadolinite and monazite sand. Used in steel alloying agents and the manufacture of electronic components.
Gallium was discovered by Lecoq de Boisbaudran (France) in 1875. The origin of the name comes from the Latin word Gallia meaning France. It is soft, blue-white metal. Stable in air and water. Reacts violently with chlorine and bromine. Gallium is found throughout the crust in minerals like bauxite, germanite and coal. Used in semiconductor production. It us used in making LED’s (light-emitting diodes) and GaAs laser diodes.
Germanium was discovered by Clemens Winkler (Germany) in 1886. The origin of the name comes from the Latin word Germania meaning Germany. It is greyish-white semi-metal. Unaffected by alkalis and most (except nitric) acids. Stable in air and water. Germanium is obtained from refining copper, zinc and lead. Widely used in semiconductors. It is a good semiconductor when combined with tiny amounts of phosphorus, arsenic, gallium and antimony.
Hafnium was discovered by Dirk Coster (Denmark) and Georg Karl von Hevesy (Hungary) in 1923. The origin of the name comes from the Latin name Hafnia meaning Copenhagen. It is silvery, ductile metal. Exposed surfaces form oxide film. Resists alkalis and acids (except HF). Toxic. Metal ignites and burns readily. Hafnium is obtained from mineral zircon or baddeleyite. Used in reactor control rods because of its ability to absorb neutrons.
Holmium was discovered by Per Theodore Cleve (Sweden) in 1879. The origin of the name comes from the Greek word Holmia meaning Stockholm. It is fairly soft, malleable, lustrous, silvery metal. Reacts slowly with oxygen and water. Dissolves in acids. Can react violently with air or halogens. Holmium occurs in gadolinite. Most often from monazite sand. It has very few practical applications; however, it has some unusual magnetic properties that offer some hope for future applications.
Indium was discovered by Ferdinand Reich and Hieronymus Theodor Richter (Germany) in 1863. Named after the indicum (colour indigo), the colour it shows in a spectroscope. It is rare, very soft, silver-white metal. Stable in air and water. Dissolves in acids. Metal can ignite and burn. Indium is found in certain zinc ores. Used to coat high speed bearings and as an alloy that lowers the melting point of other metals. Relatively small amounts are used in dental items and in electronic semiconductors.
Iridium was discovered by Smithson Tennant (England) in 1803. The origin of the name comes from the Latin word iris, meaning rainbow, because its salts are highly colored. It is heavy, brittle, white metal. Unreactive in air, water and acids. Attacked by fused NaOH. Metal ignites and burns readily. Iridium is found in gravel deposits with platinum. Used with osmium to tip gold pen points, to make crucible and special containers. Also to make alloys used for standard weights and measures and heat-resistant alloys. Also as hardening agent for platinum.
Iron has been known since ancient times. The origin of the name comes from the Latin word ferrum meaning iron. It is malleable, ductile, silvery-white metal. Exposed surfaces form red-brown oxides. Forms very strong alloys (steel). Ferromagnetic. Metal dust flammable. Fourth most abundant element in the earth’s crust. Iron is obtained from iron ores. Pure metal produced in blast furnaces by layering limestone, coke and iron ore and forcing hot gasses into the bottom. This heats the coke red hot and the iron is reduced from its oxides and liquefied where it flows to the bottom. Iron is the most common metal in human society. More than 90 % of all metal refined in the world is iron. Used in steel and other alloys. It is the chief constituent of hemoglobin which carries oxygen in blood vessels. Its oxides are used in magnetic tapes and disks.
Generalic, Eni. "Srebrni kulometar." Croatian-English Chemistry Dictionary & Glossary. 29 June 2022. KTF-Split. {Date of access}. <>.
Periodic Table