Polymorphism is the ability of a solid substance to crystallise into more than one different crystal structure. Different polymorphs have different arrangements of atoms within the unit cell, and this can have a profound effect on the properties of the final crystallised compound. The change that takes place between crystal structures of the same chemical compound is called polymorphic transformation.
The set of unique crystal structures a given compound may form are called polymorphs. Calcium carbonate is dimorphous (two forms), crystallizing as calcite or aragonite. Titanium dioxide is trimorphous; its three forms are brookite, anatase, and rutile. The prevailing crystal structure depends on both the temperature and the external pressure.
Iron is a metal with polymorphism structure. Each structure stable in the range of temperature, for example, when iron crystallizes at 1 538 °C it is bcc (δ-iron), at 1 394 °C the structure changes to fcc (γ-iron or austenite), and at 912 °C it again becomes bcc (α-iron or ferrite).
Polymorphism of an element is called allotropy.
Potassium was discovered by Sir Humphry Davy (England) in 1807. The origin of the name comes from the Arabic word qali meaning alkali (the origin of the symbol K comes from the Latin word kalium). It is soft, waxy, silver-white metal. Fresh surface has silvery sheen. Quickly forms dull oxide coating on exposure to air. Reacts strongly with water. Reacts with water to give off flammable gas. Reacts violently with oxidants. Occurs only in compounds. Potassium is found in minerals like carnallite [(KMgCl3)·6H2O] and sylvite (KCL). Pure metal is produced by the reaction of hot potassium chloride and sodium vapours in a special retort. Used as potash in making glass and soap. Also as saltpetre, potassium nitrate (KNO3) to make explosives and to colour fireworks in mauve. Vital to function of nerve and muscle tissues.
Potentiometric titration is a volumetric method in which the potential between two electrodes is measured (referent and indicator electrode) as a function of the added reagent volume. Types of potentiometric titrations for the determination of analytes in photoprocessing solutions include acid-base, redox, precipitation, and complexometric.
Potentiometric titrations are preferred to manual titrations, since they are more accurate and precise. They are also more easily adapted to automation, where automated titration systems can process larger volumes of samples with minimal analyst involvement.
A titration curve has a characteristic sigmoid curve. The part of the curve that has the maximum change marks the equivalence point of the titration. The first derivative, ΔE/ΔV, is the slope of the curve, and the endpoint occurs at the volume, V', where ΔE/ΔV has the maximum value.
Praseodymium was discovered by Carl F. Auer von Welsbach (Austria) in 1885. The origin of the name comes from the Greek words prasios didymos meaning green twin. It is silvery white, moderately soft, malleable, ductile metal. Reacts slowly with oxygen. Reacts rapidly with water. Metal ignites and burns readily. Praseodymium is obtained from same salts as neodymium. Used with neodymium to make lenses for glass maker’s goggles since it filters out the yellow light present in glass blowing. Alloyed with magnesium creates a high-strength metal used in aircraft engines. Misch metal, used in the manufacture of pyrophoric alloys for cigarette lighters, contains about 5 % praseodymium metal. (Typically composition of misch metal are Ce:Nd:Pr:La:Other rare earth=50:18:6:22:4).
Practical salinity SP is defined on the Practical Salinity Scale of 1978 (PSS-78) in terms of the conductivity ratio K15 which is the electrical conductivity of the sample at temperature t68 = 15 °C and pressure equal to one standard atmosphere, divided by the conductivity of a standard potassium chloride (KCl) solution at the same temperature and pressure. The mass fraction of KCl in the standard solution is 0.0324356 (32.4356 g of KCl in 1 kg of solution). When K15 = 1, the Practical Salinity P S is by definition 35. The conductivity of that reference solution is C(35,1568,0) = 42.914 mS/cm = 4.2914 S/m (Siemens per meter). Note that Practical Salinity is a unit-less quantity. Though sometimes convenient, it is technically incorrect to quote Practical Salinity in "psu". When K15 is not unity, SP and K15 are related by the PSS-78 equation
At a temperature of t68 = 15 °C, Rt is simply K15 and Practical Salinity SP can be determined from the above equation. For temperatures other than t68 = 15 °C, Practical Salinity SP is given by the following function of Rt (k = 0.0162)
Promethium was discovered by J. A. Marinsky, Lawrence Glendenin and Charles D. Coryell (USA) in 1945. Named after Prometheus in Greek mythology, who stole fire from the gods. It is rare earth metal of synthetic origin on the earth, naturally made in stars. Poison. Radiotoxic. Radioactive. Promethium does not occur naturally. Found among fission products of uranium, thorium and plutonium. It has been used as a source of radioactivity for thickness-measuring gages.
Protactinium was discovered by Otto Hahn (Germany) and Lise Meitner (Austria) in 1917. The origin of the name comes from the Greek word protos meaning first. It is very rare, silvery-white, extremely radioactive metal. Resists alkalis; reacts with oxygen and acids. Attacked by steam. Highly radiotoxic. Protactinium is extremely toxic and must be handled with great care. Protactinium does not occur in nature. Found among fission products of uranium, thorium and plutonium.
Radium was discovered by Marie and Pierre Curie (France) in 1898. The origin of the name comes from the Latin word radius meaning ray. It is silvery-white radioactive metal. Reacts with oxygen and water. Highly radiotoxic. Carcinogen by inhalation, ingestion, or exposure. Radium is found in uranium ores at 1 part per 3 million parts uranium. Used in treating cancer because of the gamma rays it gives off.
Rare earth elements (metals) are the elements scandium (Sc), yttrium (Y), and the lanthanides (La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Pm, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb, Lu). These elements got their name from the fact that chemists first isolated them in their oxide forms. These oxides somewhat resemble calcium, magnesium and aluminium oxides, sometimes called common earths. Do you want to know more?
Rhenium was discovered by Walter Noddack, Ida Tacke and Otto Berg (Germany) in 1925. The origin of the name comes from the Latin word Rhenus meaning river Rhine. It is rare and costly, dense, silvery-white metal. Tarnishes in moist air. Resists corrosion and oxidation. Dissolves in nitric and sulfuric acids. Has a very high melting point. Rhenium is found in small amounts in gadolinite and molybdenite. Mixed with tungsten or platinum to make filaments for mass spectrographs. Its main value is as a trace alloying agent for hardening metal components that are subjected to continuous frictional forces.
Generalic, Eni. "Meta položaj." Croatian-English Chemistry Dictionary & Glossary. 29 June 2022. KTF-Split. {Date of access}. <https://glossary.periodni.com>.
Periodic Table