Plain salt is a salt that contains only metal ions (or ammonium ions) and acid radical. It is created when all ions of hydrogen in an acid are replaced with ions of metal (or ammonium ions).
Polyvalent element is a molecule which having more than one valence, for example oxygen is a divalent in H2O, nitrogen is a trivalent in NH3, carbon is a tetravalent in methane (CH4).
Radiography is nondestructive method of internal examination in which metal objects are exposed to a beam of X-ray or gamma radiation. Differences in thickness, density, or absorption caused by internal defects or inclusions are apparent in the shadow image produced on a fluorescent screen or photographic film placed behind the object.
Fluorine was discovered by Henri Moissan (France) in 1886. The origin of the name comes from the Latin word fluere meaning to flow. It is pale yellow to greenish gas, with an irritating pungent odour. Extremely reactive, flammable gas. Reacts violently with many materials. Toxic by inhalation or ingestion. Does not occur uncombined in nature. Fluorine is found in the minerals fluorite (CaF2) and cryolite (Na3AlF6). Electrolysis of hydrofluoric acid (HF) or potassium acid fluoride (KHF2) is the only practical method of commercial production. Used in refrigerants and other fluorocarbons. Also in toothpaste as sodium fluoride (NaF).
Frasch proces is a method of obtaining sulphur from underground deposits using a tube consisting of three concentric pipes. Superheated steam is passed down the outer pipe to melt the sulphur, which is forced up through the middle pipe by compressed air fed through the inner tube. The steam in the outer casing keeps the sulphur molten in the pipe. It was named after the German-born American chemist Herman Frasch (1851-1914).
Gadolinium was discovered by Jean de Marignac (France) in 1880. Named after the mineral gadolinite, named for J. Gadolin, a Finnish chemist and mineralogist. It is soft, ductile, silvery-white metal. Reacts slowly with water and oxygen. Dissolves in acids. Metal ignites and burns readily. Gadolinium is found with other rare earths in gadolinite and monazite sand. Used in steel alloying agents and the manufacture of electronic components.
Gallium was discovered by Lecoq de Boisbaudran (France) in 1875. The origin of the name comes from the Latin word Gallia meaning France. It is soft, blue-white metal. Stable in air and water. Reacts violently with chlorine and bromine. Gallium is found throughout the crust in minerals like bauxite, germanite and coal. Used in semiconductor production. It us used in making LED’s (light-emitting diodes) and GaAs laser diodes.
Gas washing bottle or Drechsel bottle provide an inexpensive but effective method for washing or drying gases. The gas enters the bottle through the top of the central vertical tube, the lower end of which is below the surface of the washing medium. To maximize surface area contact of the gas to the liquid, a gas stream is slowly blown into the vessel through the fritted glass tip so that it breaks up the gas into many tiny bubbles. After bubbling through the medium, the gas rises to the top and exits through the side tube. It is named after the German chemist Edmund Drechsel (1843-1897).
Galvanic cell (voltaic cell) is a simple device with which chemical energy is converted into electrical energy. Galvanic cells consist of two separate compartments called half cells containing electrolyte solutions and electrodes that can be connected in a circuit. Two dissimilar metals (e.g., copper and zinc) are immersed in an electrolyte. If the metals are connected by an external circuit, one metal is reduced (i.e., gains electrons) while the other metal is oxidized (i.e., loses electrons).
In the example above, copper is reduced and zinc is oxidized. The difference in the oxidation potentials of the two metals provides the electric power of the cell.
A voltaic cell can be diagrammed using some simple symbols. In the diagram the electrodes are on the outer side of the diagram and a vertical line (|) is used to separate the electrode from the electrolyte solution found in the compartment. A double vertical line (||) is used to separate the cell compartments and is symbolic of the salt bridge. Usually in a diagram the species oxidized is written to the left of the double slash. Here is an example of the Daniell cell:
The names refer to the 18th-century Italian scientists Alessandro Volta (1745-1827) and Luigi Galvani (1737-1798).
Generalic, Eni. "Meta položaj." Croatian-English Chemistry Dictionary & Glossary. 29 June 2022. KTF-Split. {Date of access}. <>.
Periodic Table