Salinity (S) is a measure of the quantity of dissolved salts in seawater. It is formally defined as the total amount of dissolved solids in seawater in parts per thousand (‰) by weight when all the carbonate has been converted to oxide, the bromide and iodide to chloride, and all organic matter is completely oxidized.
Chlorinity is the oldest of the salinity measures considered and is still a corner-stone in the study of dissolved material in seawater. Based on the principle of constant relative proportions it provides a measure of the total amount of dissolved material in seawater in terms of the concentration of halides. The relationship between chlorinity (Cl) and salinity as set forth in Knudsen’s tables is
In 1962, however, a better expression for the relationship between total dissolved salts and chlorinity was found to be
Practical Salinity (SP) was introduced as a replacement for Chlorinity. Practical Salinity is is relatively easy to measure using standard conductometers, measurements are more precise and less time consuming than measurements of Chlorinity and accurate measurements can even be made in situ. Practical salinity SP is defined on the Practical Salinity Scale of 1978 (PSS-78) in terms of the conductivity ratio K15 which is the electrical conductivity of the sample at temperature t68 = 15 °C and pressure equal to one standard atmosphere, divided by the conductivity of a standard potassium chloride (KCl) solution at the same temperature and pressure. The mass fraction of KCl in the standard solution is 0.0324356 (32.4356 g of KCl in 1 kg of solution).
Note that Practical Salinity is a unit-less quantity. Though sometimes convenient, it is technically incorrect to quote Practical Salinity in "psu". For most purposes one can assume that the psu and the ‰, are synonymous.
The global average salinity of ocean waters is about 35 ‰, that is, about 35 g of solid substances are dissolved in 1 kg of seawater.
Stratosphere is the part of the earth’s atmosphere extending from the top of the troposphere (typically 10 km to 15 km above the surface) to about 50 km. It is characterised by an increase in temperature with increasing altitude.
Thermosphere is the layer of the earth’s atmosphere extending from the top of the mesosphere (80 km - 90 km above the surface) to about 500 km. It is characterised by a rapid increase in temperature with increasing altitude up to about 200 km, followed by a levelling off in the 300 km - 500 km region.
Evangelista Torricelli (1852-1908) is Italian physicist and mathematician. He became the first scientist to create a sustained vacuum and to discover the principle of a barometer. He filled a tube three feet long, and hermetically closed at one end, with mercury and set it vertically with the open end in a basin of mercury, taking care that no air-bubbles should get into the tube. The column of mercury invariably fell to about twenty-eight inches, leaving an empty space above its level. He discovered that the variation of the height of the mercury from day to day was caused by changes in the atmospheric pressure. He also constructed a number of large objectives and small, short focus, simple microscopes.
Troposphere is the lowest part of the earth’s atmosphere, extending to 10 km to 15 km above the surface. It is characterized by a decrease in temperature with increasing altitude. The exact height varies with latitude and season.
U-tube manometer contains water or mercury in a U-shaped tube, and is usually used to measure gas pressure. One end of the U tube is exposed to the unknown pressure field (P) and the other end is connected to a reference pressure source (usually atmospheric pressure) (Pref), shown in the schematic below.
If fluid C is the atmosphere, fluid B is the liquid in the U tube (e.g. water or mercury), and fluid A is a gas, then we can assume that ρB >> ρA, ρC. The pressure contributed by the weight of gas within the U tube can therefore be neglected. The gage pressure of the gas can be approximated by,
Schrötter decomposition apparatus (Schrötter's alkalimeter) is used to determining the carbonate content in samples of limestone, gypsum, dolomite, or baking powder by loss of weight. The apparatus is named after the Austrian chemist Anton Schrötter von Kristelli (1802-1875), who devised it in 1871. The size of the filled apparatus (apparatus is 16 cm high) is such that it weights less than 75 g, and can be placed on the pan of an analytical balance.
Procedure: Weigh about 0.5 g of the powdered carbonate sample and introduce it into the decomposition flask C. Pour into the drying tube A 2-3 mL of concentrated sulphuric acid (H2SO4), and to the dropping funnel B add about 10-15 mL of hydrochloric acid (w(HCl) = 15 %). Weigh the whole apparatus. Open the upper taps of both parts and allow the hydrochloric acid from B to run slowly down on to the powdered sample. The evolved CO2 escapes through the strong sulphuric acid and is thus thoroughly dried. When further addition of acid produces no more evolution of CO2, warm the apparatus up to 80 °C so as to expel the CO2 from the solution. Connect the upper tap of the drying tube A to a water pump and draw a slow current of air through the apparatus until completely cool. Open the upper taps for a moment to equalize the internal and external pressure and weight the apparatus again. The weight loss is equal to the weight of carbon dioxide liberated from the carbonates.
Generalic, Eni. "Atmosfera." Croatian-English Chemistry Dictionary & Glossary. 29 June 2022. KTF-Split. {Date of access}. <>.
Periodic Table