Fermi level is the highest energy of occupied states in a solid at zero temperature. The Fermi level in conductors lies in the conduction band, in insulators it lies in the valence band, and in semiconductors it falls in the gap between the conduction band and the valence band. It was named after the Italian physicst Enrico Fermi (1901 - 1954).
Francium was discovered by Marguerite Perey (France) in 1939. Named for France, the nation of its discovery. It is highly rare and unstable, radioactive metal. Chemical properties similar to cesium. Francium is formed by decay of actinium. Produced by bombarding radium or astatine with neutrons. Since its isotopes have such short half-lives there are no commercially significant compounds of francium.
Carbon has been known since ancient times. The origin of the name comes from the Latin word carbo meaning charcoal. Graphite form of carbon is a black, odourless, slippery solid. Graphite sublimes at 3825 °C. Diamond form is a clear or colored; an extremely hard solid. C60 is Buckminsterfullerine. Carbon black burns readily with oxidants. Carbon is made by burning organic compounds with insufficient oxygen. There are close to ten million known carbon compounds, many thousands of which are vital to organic and life processes. Radiocarbon dating uses the carbon-14 isotope to date old objects.
Carboxylic acids are organic compounds characterized by the presence of one or more RC(=O)OH groups (the carboxyl group). In the systematic chemical nomenclature carboxylic acids names end in the suffix -oic (e.g. ethanoic acids, CH3COOH). The carbon of the terminal group being counted as part of the chain. They are generally weak acids. Carboxylic acids include a large and important class of fatty acids and may be either saturated or unsaturated. There are also some natural aromatic carboxylic acids (benzoic, salicylic).
Cerium was discovered by Martin Heinrich Klaproth (Germany) and by Jöns Jacob Berzelius (Sweden) in 1803 and Wilhelm von Hisinger (Germany) in 1814. Named after the asteroid Ceres this discovered two years before the element. It is malleable, ductile, iron-grey metal. Tarnishes in air; reacts easily with water. Dissolves in acids; ignites when heated. Metal ignites and burns readily. Strong reductant. Cerium is most abundant rare earth metal. Found in many minerals like monazite sand [Ce(PO4)]. Its oxides are used in the optics and glass-making industries. Its salts are used in the photography and textile industry. Used in high-intensity carbon lamps and as alloying agents in special metals.
Chlorine was discovered by Carl William Scheele (Sweden) in 1774. The origin of the name comes from the Greek word chloros meaning pale green. It is greenish-yellow, disagreeable gas with irritating odour. Gas is toxic and severe irritant by contact or inhalation. Never found in free form in nature. Commercial quantities of chlorine are produced by electrolysis of aqueous sodium chloride (NaCl) from seawater or brine from salt mines. Used in water purification, bleaches, acids and many, many other compounds such as chlorofluorocarbons (CFC).
Frequency (ν) is the number of cycles of a periodic phenomenon divided by time. Hertz (Hz) is the SI derived unit, with a special name, for frequency, equal to s-1. It was named after the German scientist Heinrich Hertza (1857-1894).
Henry (H) is the SI derived unit of inductance equal to the inductance of a closed circuit in which an e.m.f. of one volt is produced when the electric current in the circuit varies uniformly at a rate of one ampere per second (H = V·s/A). The unit was named after the American physicst Joseph Henry (1797-1878).
Generalic, Eni. "Origin of the name Oukonunaka." Croatian-English Chemistry Dictionary & Glossary. 29 June 2022. KTF-Split. {Date of access}. <https://glossary.periodni.com>.
Periodic Table