The magnetic field B due to a current-carrying conductor can be determined by Biot-Savart law. The contribution to magnetic field set up at distance r by the current element IdL is given by expression:
where μ0 is permeability constant. It plays a role in magnetic problems equivalent to the role of permittivity constant μ0 in electrostatics problems. In order to obtain B, contributions of all current elements have to be integrated. In case of a long straight conductor, carrying current I, Biot-Savart law gives:
SI unit for magnetic field B is tesla (T).
Permaeability constant μ0 has value 4π×10-7 T m A-1.
Bohrium was discovered by Peter Armbruster, Gottfried Münzenber and their co-workers at the Heavy Ion Research Laboratory (Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung, GSI) in Darmstadt, Germany in 1981. Named in honour of Niels Bohr, the Danish physicist. It is synthetic radioactive metal. Bohrium was produced by bombarding bismuth-204 with chromium-54.
Californium was discovered by Stanley G. Thompson, Kenneth Street Jr. and Albert Ghiorso (USA) in 1950. Named after the State and University of California, USA. It is synthetic radioactive metal. Powerful neutron emitter. Californium was made by bombarding curium with helium ions.
Carboanhidrase is an enzyme that catalyzes creation or decomposition of carbonic acid, regulates proportion of carbon dioxide and carbonic acid in the blood plasma.
Corticosteroids are general term for hormones produced by the adrenal gland. Includes cortisol and cortisone which regulate the use of nutrients in the body.
Crystal is a solid with a regular geometric shape, having a characteristic internal structure and enclosed by symmetrically arranged plane surfaces, intersecting at definite and characteristic angles. In crystals the particles (atoms, ions, or molecules) have a regular three-dimensional repeating arrangement in space. This is called the crystal structure. The crystal lattice is the arrangement of points in space at which the particles are positioned.
The Boltzmann constant (k or kB) is the physical constant describing the relationship between the thermodynamic temperature and the average kinetic energy of particles in a gas. It equals the molar gas constant R divided by the Avogadro constant NA and has the value 1.380 648 52(79)×10-23 J/K. It is named after the Austrian physicist Ludwig Eduard Boltzmann (1844-1906).
Büchner funnel is one device used for pressure assisted filtration. Buchner funnel is a cylindrical porcelain filtering funnel (glass and plastic funnels are also available) that has a perforated plate on which the flat filter paper is placed. A vacuum in the flask underneath the filter allows atmospheric pressure on the sample to force the liquid through the filter paper. It is named after the German chemist Ernst Wilhelm Büchner (1850-1925) who designed this funnel in 1885.
Carboxylic acids are organic compounds characterized by the presence of one or more RC(=O)OH groups (the carboxyl group). In the systematic chemical nomenclature carboxylic acids names end in the suffix -oic (e.g. ethanoic acids, CH3COOH). The carbon of the terminal group being counted as part of the chain. They are generally weak acids. Carboxylic acids include a large and important class of fatty acids and may be either saturated or unsaturated. There are also some natural aromatic carboxylic acids (benzoic, salicylic).
Cellulose, (C6H10O5)n, is a polysaccharide that consists of a long unbranched chain of glucose units linked by (1→4)-β-glycoside bonds. Nature uses cellulose primarily as a structural material to impart strength and rigidity to plants. Leaves, grasses, and cotton are primarily cellulose. The fibrous nature of extracted cellulose has led to its use in textile industry for the production of cotton, artificial silk, etc. Cellulose also serves as raw material for the manufacture of cellulose acetate, known commercially as acetate rayon, and cellulose nitrate, known as guncotton. Gunncotton is the major ingredient in smokeless powder, the explosive propellant used in artillery shells and in ammunition for firearms.
Generalic, Eni. "Nginx server_name regular expression." Croatian-English Chemistry Dictionary & Glossary. 29 June 2022. KTF-Split. {Date of access}. <>.
Periodic Table