Blackbody radiation is the radiation emitted by a perfect blackbody, i.e., a body which absorbs all radiation incident on it and reflects none. The primary law governing blackbody radiation is the Planck Radiation Law, which governs the intensity of radiation emitted by unit surface area into a fixed direction (solid angle) from the blackbody as a function of wavelength for a fixed temperature. The Planck Law can be expressed through the following equation
where λ is the wavelength, h is Planck’s constant, c is the speed of light, k is the Boltzmann constant, and T is the temperature.
Blast furnace is a furnace for smelting of iron from iron oxide ores (hematite, Fe2O3 or magnetite, Fe3O4). Coke, limestone and iron ore are poured in the top, which would normally burn only on the surface. The hot air blast to the furnace burns the coke and maintains the very high temperatures that are needed to reduce the ore to iron. The reaction between air and the fuel generates carbon monoxide. This gas reduces the iron(III) oxide in the ore to iron.
Because the furnace temperature is in the region of 1500 °C, the metal is produced in a molten state and this runs down to the base of the furnace.
The production of iron in a blast furnace is a continuous process. The furnace is heated constantly and is re-charged with raw materials from the top while it is being tapped from the bottom. Iron making in the furnace usually continues for about ten years before the furnace linings have to be renewed.
Derivative is a compound that is derived from some other compound and usually maintains its general structure, e.g. trichlormethane (chloroform) is a derivative of methane.
Body-centered cubic lattice (bcc or cubic-I), like all lattices, has lattice points at the eight corners of the unit cell plus an additional points at the center of the cell. It has unit cell vectors a = b = c and interaxial angles α=β=γ=90°.
The simplest crystal structures are those in which there is only a single atom at each lattice point. In the bcc structures the spheres fill 68 % of the volume. The number of atoms in a unit cell is two (8 × 1/8 + 1 = 2). There are 23 metals that have the bcc lattice.
Bohr atom is a model of the atom that explains emission and absorption of radiation as transitions between stationary electronic states in which the electron orbits the nucleus at a definite distance. The Bohr model violates the Heisenberg uncertainty principle since it postulates definite paths and moment for electrons as they move around the nucleus. Modern theories usually use atomic orbitals to describe the behaviour of electrons in atoms.
Bohr magneton (μB) is the atomic unit of magnetic moment, defined as
where h is Planck’s constant, me the electron mass, and e the elementary charge. It is the moment associated with a single electron spin.
Detection limits is the smallest quantity of analyte which it is possible to determine by means of a given technique or procedure.
Diazo compounds are compounds having the divalent diazo group, =N+=N-, attached to a carbon atom. The term includes azo compounds, diazonium compounds, and also such compounds as diazomethane, CH2=N2.
Digestion or precipitate ageing happens when freshly formed precipitate are left, usually at a higher temperature, in a solution from which it is precipitated. It results in cleaner and bigger particles.
Generalic, Eni. "Ledište." Croatian-English Chemistry Dictionary & Glossary. 29 June 2022. KTF-Split. {Date of access}. <>.
Periodic Table