Results 121–130 of 194 for actividades para secundaria para imprimir integracion curricular
Henry’s law was discovered in 1801 by the British chemist William Henry (1775-1836). At a constant temperature the mass of gas dissolved in a liquid at equilibrium is proportional to the partial pressure of the gas. It applies only to gases that do not react with the solvent.
where pi is the partial pressure of component i above the solution, xi is its mole fraction in the solution, and Kx is the Henry’s law constant (a characteristic of the given gas and solvent, as well as the temperature).
Hypsometric curve (or hypsographic curve) shows the distribution of height of a given area (on land) and depth (at sea). The term originates from the Greek word hypsos meaning height. The part of the curve that reflects the cross section of the ocean bottom is called the bathygraphic curve.
Horizontal dashed lines indicate average height of the continents at 840 meters above sea level, and average depth of the oceans at 3 682.2 meters below sea level. If all the land above sea level (green) was moved into the sea (blue), the oceans would still be 3 km deep.
Inert electrode is an electrode that serves only as a source or sink for electrons without playing a chemical role in the electrode reaction. Precious metals, mercury, and carbon are typically used as inert electrodes. The inert nature of the electrode can sometimes be questioned. While the electrode may not take part in the reaction as a reactant or product, it still can act as an electrocatalyst.
When two frames of reference are moving relative to each other at constant velocity, they are said to be inertial reference frames. The observers from two such inertial frames measure, in general, different velocities of a moving particle. On the other hand, they measure the same acceleration for the particle. The laws of physics must have the same form in all inertial reference frames (the principle of invariance).
Invert sugar is a mixture of equal parts of glucose and fructose resulting from the hydrolysis of sucrose (saccharose). The name stemming from the fact that it rotates of plane polarized light in the opposite direction of sucrose. Sucrose is dextrorotatory - it rotates polarized light clockwise ([α]D = +66.5°). Invert sugar rotates the plane of the polarized light counterclockwise ([α]D = -22°) due to the strongly levorotatory nature of fructose ([α]D = -92°).
Homemade artificial honey (invert sugar syrup): Dissolve two parts of household sugar (1 kg) with stirring in one part of water (0.5 kg) in a saucepan over low heat. Add 1 g of citric acid or the juice of one lemon to the mixture. Bring the ingredients to a slow boil. It can take anywhere between 15 minutes to 1 hour. The end result is sticky, golden syrup. Let it sit at room temperature until it is cool.
Ionic bond is a strong force of attraction holding atoms together in a molecule or crystal. Typically chemical bonds have energies of about 100 kJ mol-1. Ionic bond is a bond at which one of the participants, during the procedure of bonding, gives away its unpaired electrons to another atom so that both can achieve electron arrangement of the closest noble gas. In order to form an ionic bond one of the atoms must cross to the positively charged ion by losing certain number of electrons and the other atom must receive those electrons and cross to the negatively charged ion.
Photon is an elementary particle of zero mass and spin 1/2. The photon is involved in electromagnetic interactions and is the quantum of electromagnetic radiation. The photon may also be regarded as a unit of energy equal to
where h is Planck constant and ν is the frequency of the radiation.
Point-like object is an expression, usual in kinematics: a point-like object (or a particle) is an object with dimensions, which can be neglected while considering its motion.
Radiation damage is a general term for the alteration of properties of a material arising from exposure to ionising radiation (penetrating radiation), such as X-rays, γ-rays, neutrons, heavy-particle radiation, or fission fragments in the nuclear fuel material.
Generalic, Eni. "Actividades para secundaria para imprimir integracion curricular." Croatian-English Chemistry Dictionary & Glossary. 29 June 2022. KTF-Split. {Date of access}. <>.
Periodic Table