Law of definite composition states that the elements in a given compound are always combined in the same proportion by mass. This law form the basis for the definition of a chemical compound.
The equilibrium constant (K) was originally introduced in 1863 by Norwegian chemists C.M. Guldberg and P. Waage using the law of mass action. For a reversible chemical reaction represented by the equation
chemical equilibrium occurs when the rate of the forward reaction equals the rate of the back reaction, so that the concentrations of products and reactants reach steady-state values.
The equilibrium constant is the ratio of chemical activities of the species A, B, C, and D at equilibrium.
To a certain approximation, the activities can be replaced by concentrations.
For gas reactions, partial pressures are used rather than concentrations
The units of Kp and Kc depend on the numbers of molecules appearing in the stoichiometric equation (a, b, c, and d).
The value equilibrium constant depends on the temperature. If the forward reaction is exothermic, the equilibrium constant decreases as the temperature rises. The equilibrium constant shows the position of equilibrium. A low value of K indicates that [C] and [D] are small compared to [A] and [B]; i.e. that the back reaction predominates.
The equilibrium constant is related to ΔrG°, the standard Gibbs free energy change in the reaction, by
The idea that a system at equilibrium will respond to a stress placed upon it in such a manner as to partially offset that stress. The principle was first stated in 1888 by the French physical chemist Henri Le Chatelier (1850-1936).
Liquid crystals or crystalline liquids are a physical state between crystals and melts. The liquid crystalline phase - the so-called mesophase - is formed at the melting point. The most important (usable) mesophases are nematic, cholesteric and smectic phase, having different molecular orientations.
Fugacity (f) is a thermodynamic function used in place of partial pressure in reactions involving real gases and mixtures. For a component of a mixture, it is defined by
where μ is the chemical potential.
The fugacity of a gas is equal to the pressure if the gas is ideal. The fugacity of a liquid or solid is the fugacity of the vapour with which it is in equilibrium. The ratio of the fugacity to the fugacity in some standard state is the activity.
Gamma radiation is electromagnetic radiation of extremely short wavelength. Gamma radiation ranges in energy from about 10-15 J to 10-10 J (10 keV to 10 MeV) (wavelength less than about 1 pm). Gamma rays are emitted by excited atomic nuclei during the process of passing to a lower excitation state.
Gamma rays are extremely penetrating and are absorbed by dense materials like lead and uranium. Exposure to gamma radiation may be lethal.
Gas is a state of matter, in which the mollecules move freely and consequently the entire mass tends to expand indefinitely, occupying the total volume of any vessel into which it is introduced. Gases follow, within considerable degree of fidelity, certain laws relating their conditions of pressure, volume and temperature. Gases mix freely with each other, and they can be liquefied through compression or temperature reduction.
In order to achieve transition of a gas into liquid state it is necessary to lower its temperature, or decrease its volume, or increase its pressure. Above the critical temperature it is impossible to liquefy a gas. When liquefying a gas by Linde’s procedure, dampening or Joule-Thomson’s effect is used. First, the compressed air from the compressor is cooled with cooling water, the cooled air expands at a lower pressure in the dampening valve at which it cooled. The cooled air now returns to the compressor, cooling down the expanding air. By repeating this process the air is cooled enough to transit to the liquid state.
Pauli exclusion principle is the statement that two electrons in an atom cannot have identical all four quantum numbers. It was first formulated in 1925 by the Austrian-born Swiss physicst Wolfgang Ernst Pauli (1900-1958).
Generalic, Eni. "50 states program guide." Croatian-English Chemistry Dictionary & Glossary. 29 June 2022. KTF-Split. 6 Mar. 2025. <>.
Periodic Table